What needs to be sorted out?

What needs to be sorted out?

Hey everyone, Hope you're doing well!

I'm here to give you a heads-up on an astrological event happening this week of February 19-25.?

Full Moon in Virgo, Feb 24, 13:30 (1:30 PM) CET.?

This one shines a light on the nitty-gritty details of life. It's nudging us to get organized, focus on practical stuff, and maybe declutter a bit.?Look into the placement of your Virgo (What house) and if you have any planets och focal points there.

Placements intensify celestial experiences.

It could be your celestial Marie Kondo moment for that area of your life. ??

What would serve you well to get rid of??

Or, putting it another way: what do you?know?it’s time to get rid of?

Something to finish and conclude to be able to start anew?

Beware of being too critical!

As it is a full moon in Virgo, and Virgo can be very detail-oriented, always on a mission to better anything in sight, make sure you are kind to yourself and not too self-critical. Banging yourself over the head about things that should have been done long ago can be quite Virgoian.??

Better mention not to be too critical of others either. Considering this Moon is in opposition to not only the Sun but also Saturn and its ruler, Mercury, a sombre atmosphere can colour the days of its strongest influences, before, during and after.?

So, hold back on that desire to tell people what to do to improve. They might not be ready to hear it even if you see it. ??

Jupiter mitigates.

Even though the oppositions are strong, Jupiter holds a wide trine to The Moon while also sextiling Saturn. While Saturn is stern and demands hard work with delayed gratification, Jupiter will cheer you on and encourage you not only to get it done but to convince you it is possible.

This Moon carries a serious vibe, but you don't have to get stuck in the mud.

Now, a quick reality check:?

While this general info is useful, the real magic happens when we dive into your personal chart. Your unique cosmic blueprint is where the gold is hidden.

What my chart reveals.

When I look at my chart, I see where Virgo is placed, and I also know where my planets are. Therefore, I understand how to work with these Moon energies for my benefit.

??? It is trining my natal Ascendant and Saturn while transiting Saturn and Mercury creates sextiles.?

Transiting Jupiter is also trining my Asc. Simultaneously, our Virgo Full Moon is doing the same. This makes the energies more temperate for me.?

And a forceful T-square

On the other hand, there is a T-Square too, which tells me something has to change regarding issues of my sixth house.

Nothing to worry about, but illuminating that it's time to roll up my sleeves and move in a direction I've been thinking about for a while.

Check out this recording of my live send from two weeks ago. It's about timing and how to use astrological forebodings constructively.

For instance, I give an example of how understanding what was coming up saved me my home!

Time to get a grip on your chart?

If you're curious about how these cosmic events might play out in your life, hit me up. No sales pitch, just a genuine offer to explore the stars and see how they align with your journey.

If nothing else, I will calculate a FREE chart for you. That way you can, at least, see where what is happening.

Ready to put on your Branding glasses?

Upcoming Tuesday, 20th, I'm showing up in my next #CosmicStrategies.?

It's all about how to use planets and focal points to understand how to show up in the world with an aligned brand that is 100% yours.

Click the image and sign up right now. And tag someone you know is as interested as you are.


If my newsletter gives you any value, please give it a ???? like or ??.

And hit the ?? in my profile to get hold of my posts on astrology and personal development. My take is full of #UnexpectedPerspectives!

?? I will see you next week. ????

Stella ?? Scott, Your Guide To The Skies

ps. Recommendation by Henrietta Ohlsén??♀? ?

(You can read the full version in my profile)

"For me, Stella has shown what is dormant and needs to be brought to life in life itself.

Love that the recorded sessions come afterwards, so good to be able to review and be reminded of what was said.

As a kind of orientation map to follow and stamp your way on.

Book an appointment with Stella and you will get a new, clear world."












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