What is the mystique of your organization?
What is the invisible thread that drives the destiny of your organization? That intangible that can be associated with the magical, mysterious and/or even transcendent, that crosses values and institutional identity, and that can elevate the company to deploy its greatness or limit itself to be just one more in the market.
Our imagination can lead us to think about what is or could be the mystique of our organization. The sensations awakened by the fact of thinking about your company, the values that are breathed in it, the connection and/or alignment between your philosophy of life and that of your organization, what makes it special, among others, represent some appreciations that are identified as part of its mystique. This can be built and rebuilt consciously to become a central axis that elevates the organization and therefore its members.
When a company is created, its founder gives it its imprint, its vision and its sense of existence. As the organization grows, the way of doing things permeates its culture and, without the need to talk about these terms, it breathes a particular air that makes it unique and special. That is to say, consciously or not, from the first steps of its existence, the company has its own identity that gives it meaning. This mystique is closely related to the organization's culture. The more conscious the recognition of this culture, the greater the possibilities of managing it and/or channeling it in favor of the organization. Otherwise, there is a risk that the culture manifests itself as a latent and subconscious program of dubious questionability, which may condition the growth and/or sustainability of the company.?
The fact that people feel at ease in their workplace, that they show genuine commitment and identify with its purpose, speaks of a business mystique that plays in favor of its growth and sustainability.
When there is a tense atmosphere, a generalized nonconformity both from the bottom up and from the top down in the organizational structure, a radio corridor that resonates with presence, a certain discouragement or low level of energy, we are facing a culture whose organization tends to low levels of productivity, high turnover, and usually represents a high level of effort to sustain itself in the market.
The company's mystique is not formally published in the media, but is breathed from within, it is experienced through the daily practices with which its members coexist. When it tends to be and act in a congruent manner, it makes a difference of value in its community.
In summary, the magic of the corporate mystique refers to rescuing that way of being and doing that makes it special, unique, and that represents a source of inspiration for its members, thus generating a sense of belonging, commitment and collaboration that has a direct impact on the organization's concrete and tangible results. Along these lines, the organization has the capacity and the power to consciously create and/or recreate the culture that best represents it; a challenge that unfailingly involves all the members of the organization.