What if my script is in trouble?
Geoffrey D. Calhoun
Host of The Successful Screenwriter Podcast and author of The Guide for Every Screenwriter.
So you've written and rewritten your script to death. But something still feels wrong. What should you do? Should you abandon it and start something fresh? Get a peer review? Pay for coverage? Let's look at some good options.
The first thing you should do is register your script with the WGA (East or West) or you can register it with the US Copyright . WGA is faster, easier, and cheaper only about $25. However some people insist on the US Copyright. Please don't do the "I'll just e-mail it to myself thing" contrary to popular belief, it does not hold up in court. Once you are registered, you can feel safe that your script is protected. Mostly.
Now what do you do? I would suggest trying to find a local writers group. Some local colleges will have them. To get some face time with other creatives and have them look at your work can be a real boon to your writing. What if I can't find a local group? Or more likely, what if I don't jive with the other writers? We writers are a quirky bunch and more often than not bump heads. Have no fear. There are a few websites you can look into.
I would recommend American Zoetrope . This was created by Francis Ford Coppola. Traffic is a bit lighter but there is a dedicated few on there that are more than willing to help new writers. Also they have a built in peer review system where if you read 4 of their screenplays then 4 writers will read yours and give feedback. It can be a great resource. There is also the Script Summit Writers Group which is relatively new. This is a nice networking website that allows writers to get together and post questions on a forum that are answered by fellow peers. You can also ask other writers to do a type of script swap to give and receive feedback. Just like in real life though, you have to get on these websites and socialize. Comment in the forums. Make yourself known and build your network of support. Don't just expect to show up and get help.
Then there is using a paid professional for coverage. Tread lightly here my friend. Most of the coverage you can get is garbage. Not just garbage, really expensive garbage that will make you feel broke and dirty. Most of them are people that didn't make it in the industry and spend their time taking it out on your script and getting paid for it. I of course would recommend our service at wefixyourscript.com . We are working writers that really do care about you succeeding as a writer. This is a rarity indeed. I have found most people that write coverage are more concerned with slamming your work. Our entire goal is to develop you as a writer.
This will lead into my next article which is going to be on what to look for with feedback.
till then...