What my poodle Milo Taught me about Flipping Houses
Earlier today I was watching Milo (the white one in the pic below) trying to play ball with me while I was working
Milo - White Mini poodle on the right
Lucas - Black and Grey Portuguese Waterdog on the left
I wasn't paying attention because I was writing, but out of my pur-rif-fur-ro vision (we just watched the movie 40 year old virgin again. SO pardon the not so obvious references) I could see him at my feet...
Patiently waiting. Waiting for me to throw the ball he had set so respectfully next to my foot.
Even after about 10 miniutes.. he didn't give up.
He would stare at it. Then pounce on the ball as if it had disrespected him in some way, take a step back, then roll it back into my foot again.
He did this over and over and over and over until I finally picked the thing up and hurled it out the room.
I did that because I figured all he wanted was for me to throw it once and then he would leave me alone and be satisfied and happy.....
Nope. Came running right back. But now he was different.
He was changed. Had a little extra hitch in his giddyup.
A little extra snap in his wiggle-butt tail shake.
It actually fired him up. Back to when he first came in. Now his is ready to go!
And you know what... This got me thinking
We could all use this sort of perseverance. The willingness to stick to the thing we really want until it happens. Even after apparent "failure"
Failure only occurs once you stop trying.
If you are still learning and willing to take the step back and roll the ball again... Failure has not existed yet.
Wanted to send you are reminder if things have gone a bit stale and queit lately
Roll the ball again...........
This is the exact same way it was for me when I first learned about real estate wholesaling.
Got my first couple dozen offers rejected. then another dozen more. Before I was beginning to think it just didn't work for me.
Then I stepped back. Took a look at what I was doing. Thought about what I could change and do it better...
And have been making it better ever since...
Until I finally created a foolproof process.
Going on 5 years strong and it has only gotten better.
Living it. Loving it. Taking chances each and every day. This is how we grow......