What About My Plant Electrical Components.
Dyball, Steve
Manufacturing Solutions Consultant with Acmon Group. Andesite Blue Senior Operations Manager. Rotary Club Kyiv International Business - Secretary & Committee Chair for Service Projects.
Age of Equipment: You need to understand the life expectancy for the workload and better to replace than to wait for a breakdown. Replacement can be a steady programme, if one or two type of sensor start to fail, set out a programme of replacement.
Maintenance: Check that no particular part of the plant or circuits are having problems, one faulty component can damage others, do not allow constant replacing of a component. Investigate the real cause and carry out the necessary remediation.
Technology advances: If your present software control system allows consider making changes to equipment that allow you better control of your devices. This consideration and action is a must when you upgrade your whole control system.
Regulatory & Safety: This is an area you should always monitor and act upon. Safety of your plant operatives and equipment is your first concern. So if it requires changing or upgrading DO IT.
Risk Assessment: Know your plant, take advice, what in my electrical system offers a potential risk of failure and why. Manage those risks, remember replace before failure. The plant needs to work to support the company business.