What My Parents 50th Anniversary Teaches Us All About Marriage
Tiffany Ann Beverlin
CEO & Founder DreamsRecycled??Life Coach ??Divorce Coach??Career Coach
I'm probably going to get in a little bit of trouble for writing this, but today October 8th 2016 is my parents 50th Anniversary. which is a pretty big achievement nowadays, by most people standards. As a a part of the divorce industry I spend most of my days speaking with divorcees, about what went wrong in their marriages. This has given me a large quantity of information on what NOT to do to stay married, my parents have through their marriage shown me by actions what you should be doing to stay married.
1.Be respectful to one another, I think that my parents generation had a better grasp of how to honor, and be respectful to one another. There was always a certain amount of healthy respect being exchanged between my parents. That doesn't mean that you never argue at all, it means that there is a certain level of respect that you never go below, in any situation.
2. Never fight dirty, I can honestly say I don't remember ever hearing my parents, yell, scream, swear, or name call. In today society one look at any reality show will tell you that, the new norm is for couples to fight dirty. This obviously is a horrible way to treat any other human none less your spouse who you vowed to love and cherish.
3. When times are tough you stick it out, whether business loss, financial uncertainty or transitions that are hard to deal with whether, empty nest syndrome, or retirement, or changing careers, you stick it out. You don't treat your spouse differently whether you are living in a town house or a multi-million dollar estate, this is a non factor in your married life. For richer or poorer has to be taken seriously in your vows as you really never know what tomorrow may bring.
4.Work ethic, this I think is really important to any marriage, two people who no matter what they do put forth effort in it. My parents are both very hard working dedicated people. My mother as mostly a stay at home mom, worked very hard to make sure, we were well fed, clothed, got good grades, had the best birthday parties, the cleanest home what ever it was there was always over achieving effort put forth. My Dad always worked hard, if anyone knows anything about musicians and touring, they know it is not all partying and concerts. It's a lot of travel, studio time, rehearsals, he was away a lot making sure we were well provided for and all attended colleges, and were able to follow what ever path we wanted. This "work" ethic I think boils over into putting forth effort in your marriage.
5. Be thoughtful and generous, of your time and effort, I vividly remember, my Mother sculpting as a surprise a statue of my Father, and a million other very well thought out gifts and surprises. My Father being a man would always wait til the last minute, before the holidays to find my Mother a gift that he thought she would love. The simple action of watching them exchange gifts under the Christmas tree, every year, spoke volumes about their thought and love for each other.
6. Home is where your heart is, what I mean by this is, my parents always made sure home was the focus of everything, they still, even today love nothing more to have all their children and grandchildren with them. We all grew up knowing with out a shadow of a doubt, they are never happier than when making memories with us. Whether celebrating new babies, new jobs, house warming, degrees, doctorates, you will never not find my parents front at center at any event holiday or graduation, usually with a ridiculous amount of food in tow, (the Italian part of being in our family). Maybe in more modern day marriages we lose sight of the fact that your family is your priority and we let work, or hobbies, or other external factors, stop us really being grateful for the irreplaceable love we have within our own families.
7. Lastly not seeing divorce as an option, I actually don't think the word "Divorce" was in my parents vocabulary. My Fathers an Mothers parents were both married til death do us part. My parents got married very young, but it was just understood you treated each other well, you didn't give up, you adapted where needed and once you made that decision to marry you said those vows, you meant them and you stuck by them. The problem is once one or the other person starts to break these vows, your marriage becomes a tumble weed into divorce. If you never break those vows then your foundation remains, and you can more easily, with some effort, weather life's storms.
No couple or marriage is perfect but I for one am very proud of my parents and any other married couples, who have beat the odds and somehow stayed married for this long. Maybe we as a nation should be doing more to study what keeps married couples together m than studying what drives them apart. Maybe if we could come up with a kind of divorce proof marriage blue print we could save more families from the heartache of divorce and see more couples like David and Lucille my parents being shining examples for others of being steadfastly married.
Home Business Consultant: Helping Small Business Owners, Home Biz, Network Marketers with Digital Marketering
6 年That is a great article! Tell your parents congrats! I agree about taking the “D” word out the vocabulary is important.
Thinking outside the box, is a metaphor that means to think differently, unconventionally or from a new perspective.
8 年What you have stated is all true. In 1981, while posted in West Germany my family & I attended my father's parents 50th anniversary in London, England. I never imagined anyone ever being married that long. Now that I'm older & married myself, I hope I too have the opportunity to be married that long as well. Since both my parents & spouse parents were married for over 50 years. I realize that our parents were from a different generation & different locations in the world. My in-laws were both from Puerto Rico & my father was from England & mother was from Spain. Separating was never on their minds it was not heard of back then. Now both my spouse & I know few of our friends who have been divorced, remarried or just stayed singled.
Founder Privacy Cyber
8 年Appreciate the articulation ...and the deeper thinking into this subject ...we all know the divorce rate. How about helping people...oh, there is Tiffany @ Dreams Recycled. This deeper articulation and thought has helped me. Thank you***Please continue helping**