What Is My Mindset?
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Do you have a fixed or growth mindset?
So, what exactly is a fixed and growth mindset? Find out below.
Fixed Mindset.
People with a fixed mindset are more likely to avoid learning simply because it appears pointless, to give up on things easily, and to believe that if not me, someone else will do it. This type of person hides their flaws to avoid judgement, views failures as personal failings rather than setbacks, and ignores feedback and interprets it as personal criticism are all examples of fixed mindset.
They even avoid taking on challenges simply because they are afraid of failing. The most common and central aspect of a fixed mindset is feeling threatened by the success of any random person. Believes that everyone has the same amount of talent and intelligence, and that it does not change over time.
Growth Mindset.
This type of person believes in lifelong learning and is visionary; they work hard to learn new things. Also, these people continue to improve their skills and strive for mastery. This person believes that failures are just a part of the journey and are only temporary setbacks, and that feedback is the most important lesson and information that can help them improve.
They continue to accept new challenges as a task, and they are mostly inspired and pleased by the success of others. They believe that talent and intelligence are simply things that can be improved over time.
Why Your Mindset Makes a Difference in Your Life.
Assume you have an interview scheduled. There's one who never seems to struggle, who appears to be able to ace interviews with little effort. It's not that simple for you. So you have two options. You may:
? Assume you don't have the same natural talent for interviewing as that other person, and consider yourself a lost cause.
? Considers, studies, and investigates interview models in order to crack it.
If you have a fixed mindset, you may select the first option and never go for an interview. That means you won't be able to pursue career paths that require good skills later in life.
However, if you have a growth mindset and choose the second option, you will not only learn about the specific thing, but you will also learn other valuable skills such as determination, self-discipline, and perseverance