What my closet taught me
Babs Churchill
Life & Leadership Coach, Speaker ● Coaching High Achieving Women Leaders to Thrive in Business & in Life ● Expert in Confidence, Executive Presence, Board Directorships, Imposter Syndrome Coaching ● Media Guest
Have you ever gone into your closet to get a pair of jeans only to find other clothes you are hanging onto for “some day”?
I did this last weekend and didn’t realize how many outfits I was hanging onto.
I felt like I was on a Hollywood set looking at costumes from movies past.
Some things didn’t fit anymore thanks to mid-life body shifts.
Some things weren’t in style anymore, much to my shock and sadness. (Good-bye snakeskin wide-legged pants. Oh how I used to think I was stylin’ in those!)
And some things I kept for the sheer memory of them:
?A favorite t-shirt that I used to wear when we went camping as a family.
?A holiday dress I wore to the most fun party
?Flannel lounge pants from my kids’ high school
What all these things had in common was that they worked for the me of the past.
And I’ve grown.
They just don’t fit who I am now.
It goes way deeper than clothing – but you knew I was going to say that, right?
It’s about holding onto what is no longer a fit for where you are in your life right now, recognizing those things and being willing to let them go.
It’s about making room for something new.
What are you holding onto that simply doesn’t fit you anymore?
Clutter around your home?
Your current job?
A relationship?
Old beliefs?
Habits that don’t serve you?
Spend some time taking inventory of the areas of your life and notice what shows up. Is there room to let some things go?
I have a rule that when a pair of shoes comes in, a pair needs to go out.
This works for all those self-doubt thoughts that creep into your head, too.
Look at your inventory of confidence-killing thoughts.
They are like wearing an old pair of sweats day after day after day.
Same thoughts day after day after day. Same results, too.
Feel free to use my shoe rule: clear out an old thought, bring in a new one.
When an old thought is holding you back, you can release it and replace it with one that will move you forward.
Just imagine your mind is a huge closet filled with self-confident thoughts, hand-picked by you.
Every day you enter and choose which thoughts you want to think for the day.
You choose the thoughts that empower you, that create a feeling of being unstoppable.
You choose to move forward and create what you crave – every day.
And it’s available to you 24/7.
Some closet, right?
It’s even better than Oprah’s.
P.S. Are you ready to clean out your Thought Closet and get ready for 2021? December is the perfect time to plan and start releasing those old thoughts so you have room for the new ones. DM me and let's schedule your complimentary consultation with me today. You’re a pro and all pros have coaches to get them to the next level.
#confidence #LifeCoachForWomen #leadershipcoach #mindset