What my clients say
It never ceases to delight and amaze me how people say their colour analysis consultation has been “transformational“.
If it’s not something you’ve had done before, it all sounds rather dramatic! And yet, people who had a colour analysis decades ago, say the same. Which means, there must be something in this ‘getting your colours done’ lark!!
Once you’ve booked a Colour Analysis Consultation with me, you’ll receive a booking confirmation so you know what to expect and where to come for your appointment. You can also find out what you can expect here.
The session lasts up to 2 hours and is focussed on you, so you can learn all about colour (or Style if you prefer), and how to apply what you learn when you leave.
You’ll get a follow up email from me summarising what we went through during your session. I’m told it’s a great reminder, but it means I can provide more advice to support and inspire you on your journey.
I’m genuinely delighted to read your comments, emails and feedback! The reviews speak for themselves and you can read them here. Follow me on Facebook or Instagram for more.
Some clients ask for photos to be taken during their session, although most prefer me not to, which is why you won’t see lots of before and after photos. Whatever your choice, I fully respect it – it’s your consultation after all!
Thank you to all my clients for letting me introduce them to a colourful new world!
A special mention to those who share their experience online:
Ruan; The Yorkshire Sew Girl has a vlog on Youtube and she shared her thoughts about how her session will help her: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O1oZ2Cr1yk0
More recently, Safia; The Curly Sewista shares her experience in her vlog: https://youtu.be/2A_3ITAiJLM?si=CXbRK5eR7wm_lLeq
Vic made a behind the scenes reel on Instagram here: https://youtube.com/shorts/MpiCxE__Y7M