What is my book about?
"K9 Spirit Guides" by Heather Leigh Strom Heather Leigh and some of her pack.

What is my book about?

A little bit about my book, “K9 Spirit Guides”.

Well, we’ve always suspected that dogs were magical angels from God. In my book I give you proof that our canine companions possess specific divine gifts to facilitate our healing, elevate our awareness, and expand our consciousness. Man’s best friends have their own spirit guides, which is why they appear in our lives just when we need them most. This book is a study of a girl and her dogs (me), and how these special dogs found their way to me from throughout the world. However, their clandestine purpose and message wasn’t fully understood for decades after their visit. This story shares how these special K9 angels led me strategically through a divine journey of self-actualization. I share how my painful childhood trauma healed instantly with their guidance; how my dogs brought me complete understanding of my life, who I was, and where I was going; and how they offered healing, peace, and divine spiritual enlightenment decades after they died.

What led me to write the book?

This book was a divine calling, and it was a total surprise to me! I had no idea I was going to write it, much less that I was about to embark on a precise and powerful healing journey in the process! The unique process of how this all came about is one of the stories in the book. It was quite simply, my destiny that I was finally waking up to as my number was called and I reported to duty.

What was the most rewarding part of writing the book?

A quote from my book sums it up: “The greatest gift is being able to finally see clearly where my soul needed to heal and where the pieces were missing that needed to be returned.”

Writing this book gifted me an incredible transformation of discovery, healing, reconnection, and enlightenment as I allowed and received the healing gifts of the K9 spirit guides. And being able to share this with the world is undoubtably THE most rewarding opportunity for me.?Humanity is in great need of healing at this very moment as we watch the escalation of violence, hatred, and fear reach new heights all over the world.

What was the most challenging part?

I had no idea what this book was about when I started.?I did not have a direction, an outline, or even a theory to work from.?I literally followed my nose, my instincts, and the breadcrumbs that the guides provided me with. I had no idea that I could channel or that this would even be a channeled book as I began. I wrote each section of the book separately having no idea where it was going or how it would all fit together. I learned about each guide as I put each section together writing words I did not truly understand until I finished. This meant that I also had to heal enough to be able to receive the messages. So, as I went through this process, I healed in a specific manner (through using the K9 spirit guides process and tools).?And each level of healing allowed me a clearer and clearer channel and a higher spiritual elevation. When I knew I had all the required pieces for the book, I then had to put all the sections together and make sense of the information I had written.?And that was when the magic happened, and I finally understood what they were trying to show me!

Why do humans and dogs form such strong bonds?

Humans have always allowed dogs into their hearts unconditionally since the beginning of time.?We have a long history with these animals which began before ancient civilizations (Atlantis, Lemuria, and ancient Egypt). Dogs have always provided humans with divinely guided assistance to help us along our spiritual path. We see evidence of this in the ancient cultures when they were buried with their trusted companions (dogs were even mummified in Egypt) to protect their masters as they ventured into the spirit realm. ?This open door of connection through our hearts provides our canines with a direct link to our consciousness.?

Why do dogs' personalities often mesh so well with their owner?

Dogs are actually a reflection of us. This can take on many different versions of course. It could be a reflection of how and where we are at the moment.?Or they could reflect an energy that we need to embody, or a lesson that we need to learn which could be more agitating to us and less “comfortable” (a problem dog that needs lots of attention). ?So, each dog, depending on the spirit guide working through it, will have a different message for any given person depending on that person’s current position within their own unique timeline (of spiritual enlightenment).?Sometimes these messages are very beautiful and loving.?Other times that provoke us with agitation (frustration and anger) to get us to move out of our comfort zone and into the necessary work we came here to do.?

What are some of the health benefits of canine companions?

Well, those have all been discussed in the mainstream extensively.?The positive benefits that we like to embrace would include activating our parasympathetic nervous system such as lowering our blood pressure and cortisol levels; allowing us to feel safe and loved.?But the new benefits I am introducing which this book brings to light are ways that our dogs facilitate our progression as a soul.?Are we stuck in a rut (a pattern of negative or unfulfilling behavior)??Or do we need to consider taking a different direction with our life??Or maybe we need some support because what we have before us is going to be very challenging, but necessary for our soul’s evolution.?These are the new ways the K9 spirit guides assist us in our lives. These are spiritual health benefits they provide once we can “tune in” to receive the messages.

I have been using the K9 spirit guides in healing sessions with my clients and they are able to move them out of stuck patterns very quickly, show them areas that aren’t serving them, and give them concrete direction and real-time healing. These clients instantly feel calmer, connected, grounded, joyful, and find comfort in the guidance they receive. So, even people who don’t have dogs or maybe don’t like dogs can benefit from the healing and health benefits the K9 guides have to offer!

How can families find the right dog for their family?

The correct dog for each person and each situation will make itself available. All you have to do is to tune in to this message and this energy.?By working with the K9 guides this will become easier to perceive and understand. It is a frequency that I tap into, and it is how I have always found the dogs who were “calling” to me. I have many stories about this in my book.?One dog called to me from Eastern Germany where his owner did not speak English, had no computer and no internet.?But I was given all the clues I needed to find him rather quickly. Another dog was very desirable but would not let anyone else buy him because he was waiting for me to find him. ?And this is how the dogs will open doors so that the perfect match will become available to you and your family. You just must know how to listen and receive.?


How do dogs serve as spiritual guides?

This is a great question and of course it is the main topic of my book.?I want to be clear here though.?This is a totally new concept that has never been shared before.?The K9 guides are omnipresent angelic assistants to humanity. They have always been with us as I have already shared.?But they are making us aware of them now for the first time in the history of humanity. Dogs have their own spirits, but k9 guides are not associated with the individual spirit of the dog. Many psychics can tap into the dogs’ individual spirits and convey answers or messages from the dog.?But this is not what we are talking about here.?

The K9 guides resonate at a much more elevated energy level than that of each individual dog spirit. It’s like comparing an angel (dog spirit) to Archangel Michael (K9 spirit guides) for example. There are only 50 K9 spirit guides, so thousands of dogs could have the same K9 spirit guide. These spirit guides can orchestrate necessary events in our lives which can provide opportunities for growth, needed support, or personal understanding and spiritual elevation. They can provide answers to your questions and often communicate through cause and effect. Your dog “carries” this guide in their energy field. So, your dog may stare at you blankly when you talk to it, but the guide is hearing you loud and clearly and providing answers back to you or taking necessary action. ?And the most amazing thing I have experienced from them is their ability to completely free me instantly from decades of pain and suffering like nothing I have ever experienced!

What do you mean when you use the term spiritual guides?

“Spiritual” as in the untrained eye, physical eye, cannot see them and they are in tune with our spiritual path and our soul’s purpose. They exist on a much higher vibrational plane than we do, so communicating with them requires you to elevate your consciousness to their level. They understand what we need and where we are going as a soul, not as a human.

Could you share a personal experience?

The whole book is full of personal experiences!?I even have a couple chapters posted already on my webpage for you to preview, k9spiritguides.com.?But here is an excerpt from one of my favorite guides when I was first healing and learning how to hear and see them.?At the end I will explain a little bit more:

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15 years after I last saw Apachi, I had this vision during a meditation.

I saw a scared little puppy cowering in the corner.?She was very sad and lonely.?

I did not recognize this puppy.?I wondered who it was.?

I turned my gaze a little to the right and saw a beautiful black panther pacing.?

For a moment I was enthralled in its presence and breathtaking beauty!

As I returned my focus to the puppy, it suddenly transformed into a young woman!

“Wow”, I gasped!?My heart quickened. How beautiful she was!?

I looked back at the panther and asked her, “Who is this puppy that changed into a woman?”

The panther never stopped moving, but she instantly transformed herself into my “Apachi” right before my eyes!??And then she said, “It is you!”

And I cried!


This vision was very significant during my journey, and it is an example of how these guides communicate with me.?I can see them, and I can also see symbolic messages they provide me.?They may communicate using symbolism or they may also come out and say things quite directly (to me).?But this was a message from my personal dog, Apachi, through her spirit guide, Oeragon.?Oeragon identifies with the basenji dog and the black panther spirit animal (I would later discover). Her message was two-fold. First this was one of the first clues I received that the guides identified with not only dogs, but also with wild animal spirits.?Second, this was a specific message regarding what that dog (Apachi) had come into my life to communicate or support me with.?Oeragon is the spirit guide that connects us to our own divine soul.?I had never met my own soul before the guides showed it to me.?It was buried deep out of my reach.?Most of us have never met our souls or else there would be no depression, sadness, anger, or violence.?It is literally impossible to experience these lower vibrational emotional states when you are in the presence of your own Godly soul!?During my dog’s life with me, Apachi patiently provided opportunities for me to connect with my soul, and even modeled my soul to me, even though I did not see it at the time.?And the study of our relationship will demonstrate how your dog may be providing these opportunities for you as well.

How can individuals be aware of their own K9 spiritual guides?

Reading and listening to the book will help to open people up to it (elevate their frequency), increase their awareness, and provide opportunities for them to connect directly or through me to their own K9 guides. The book contains a divine frequency to shift humanity into higher elevations and make this awareness more possible.?I recommend listening to the audiobook as well as reading the written book to expediate this process. Reading or listening to it multiple times can be used as a strategy to free your own “stuck” energy allowing you better access to the guides. In the near future I will be conducting workshops to facilitate this very thing, so be sure to follow me for those updates @heatherleighstrom. I also offer personal sessions for healing opportunities with the K9 guides. You can find out more information on my webpage heatherleighstrom.com .


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