What my BIG birthday can teach you about creating the perfect direct marketing pack ...

What my BIG birthday can teach you about creating the perfect direct marketing pack ...

Or, to put it another way, who wants to meet up only at funerals? 

You might be wondering what funerals and plans for our forthcoming BIG birthday do for the family has got to do with direct marketing? Watch and learn I say. 

Without even thinking about what I was doing, I naturally created a top-notch direct marketing pack that's designed to get me the result I want.

So, if you want to understand the power of getting the elements to any direct mail campaign right, watch my short video here ... 

Bring on the barbecue and cake!

And if you're not a video watcher ... they key principles are:

  • Be REALLY clear what outcome you want.
  • Connect with your audience with your letter - emotional content is authentic and passionate.
  • Make it hard for them to refuse you - be compelling.
  • The Devil is in the detail - by 'elevating your package' it makes it MUCH harder to ignore.
  • Give them a really easy call to action - and that doesn't sound like 'if you are interested, call me'!!


