Features of MVCC Accessories-
Our team combined decades of engineering expertise for the development of MVCC cables that offer enhanced safety through superior insulation, minimizing the risk of electrical faults and ensuring reliable operation in diverse environmental conditions.
This journey paved a path of exclusive compatible solutions when our Project Execution team encountered numerous accessory installation & misalignment challenges. Being a leading MVCC manufacturer our team recognized the detrimental impact of mismatched technicalities on the life and durability of cables, our engineer’s year-long intensive R&D and anticipation for the new product development came up with revolutionary MVCC Accessories up to 33kV.
Our MVCC Accessories are designed in alignment of our MVCC cables resulting in ease of installation, and compatibility like never experienced before, as the Exclusive Single Point solution in the industry.
1-Ease of Accessibility: With our vast network of 1100+ dealers spanning across India, accessing our top-quality LT/HT cables and accessories has never be e n mo r e c o n v e n i e n t. O u r nationwide network ensures our products are within easy reach. Moreover, we have an automatic centralized stock maintenance system, focused on managing the stock availability of all accessories at each dealer location. This ensures that our products are readily available nationwide.
2-Ease of Fixability: The unique user-centric design of these accessories is the bolt-free mechanism and tightening system, engineered to ensure ease of installation. Our accessories boast a unique, compact design, specifically crafted to adhere to STANDARD NFC/IEC: 50397-2- 2022 specifications, and are also certified by India’ s preeminent authority, the Central Power Research Institute (CPRI) in Bangalore. Considering the risk involved for fitters working at heights exceeding 30 feet & above, extra attention has been paid to eliminate installation hassles thus facilitating ease of fixability.
3-Error-Proof Fitting: Our products undergo various safety and stability assessments, to combat all potential errors that may occur during the fitting of accessories. With a step-by-step qual ity check process, calibrated production m e t h o d s , o u r p r o d u c t s a r e engineered to deliver unparalleled safety and error-proof fitting alignments. The successful resolution of these safety concerns resulted in getting approval from India's top certifying agency, CPRI (Bangalore)
4-Environmentally Robust: Our accessories are engineered to w it h s t a n d e x tr eme w e a t h e r conditions, ranging from scorching temperatures of 70° Celsius to heavy rainfall of 50~70 centimeters, as well as chilly environments as low as -13° Celsius. These accessories are not only designed to ensure the safe and accident-free transmission of electricity but also to protect wildlife and wilderness areas. With a commitment to environmental robustness, our accessories are built to endure and perform reliably in any climate.
5-Energy Efficient Solutions: This continuous exploration has extensively enhanced energy efficiency, thereby reducing costs, saving time, and conserving energy through our unique sustainable solutions. expertise and own manufacturing. We aim to elevate the efficiency and reliability of power transmission while minimizing distribution losses. We strongly believe in unifying sustainability and efficiency, highlighting our expertise of in-house manufacturing capabilities to achieve this vision. We are committed to fostering sustainable energy infrastructure by incorporating energy-efficient solutions with our MVCC accessories.
Founder & Marketing Director at Huaneng Telecom Co., Ltd.
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