What Must Be Done
What Must Be Done The role of the United States as a country must become one of engagement versus exploitation. This entails that the rule of the people prevail over vested interests like the ruling one percent. Corporate and "Fat Cat", groupings have shown themselves incapable of the considerate mindset. In answer to the obvious question of how to overcome the existing power base I submit the following: Only the concerted, united efforts of an informed, aware citizenry can prevail. I have anticipated scepticism from many who do not believe people will follow the necessary course. I submit in answer that great numbers of individuals have displayed a growing awareness. The proof lies in the numbers of mass protests and continuing signing of petitions on significant social matters. The Global Warming international summit was directly in answer to mass action. It certainly would not have occured otherwise. There have been actions around unjust killings of individuals in the inner cities. These have resulted in a closer scrutiny of police and authority. We must, however begin an ongoing practice of demanding accountability from authority. Stop the madness. End the attack on the people. Politicians have failed. The time is now for the full union and agreement of the people at large. I wish to present the Mind Hive Paradigm. Only the sensible actions of a united peoples can save a distressed world.I am inviting all in my network to join Mind Hive Paradigm. The union of sensible and concerned peoples; a Global Initiative.When we first began to use the phrase, "blank, 'is a right'", it became a standard for activists around the world. I am glad that politicians like, Bernie have come to say it. My hope is that all people will join in the real, "Political Revolution", and crush the oppressors who have robbed us of so many of our RIGHTS! We must join together, ignore our differences and strengthen the Mass Movement of Resistance! I am stressing the need to put a continued, organized structure of unted action into place. Such a course holds the promise of breaking the stranglehold on society. The time is now for the Global Mind Hive Paradigm.