What is Multi-Factor Authentication?
The Ultimate Guide to Understanding MFA
You may have used a multi-factor authentication system before without ever even knowing it. Think about the last time you logged into Facebook. You entered your password—probably correctly on the first try, right?—and were immediately prompted to type in a set of numbersThe Ultimate Guide to Understanding MFA
You may have used a multi-factor authentication system before without ever even knowing it. Think about the last time you logged into Facebook. You entered your password—probably correctly on the first try, right?—and were immediately prompted to type in a set of numbers that was sent directly to your cell phone.
You glance down at your phone, see a flash of numbers pop up, you e that was sent directly to your cell phone.
You glance down at your phone, see a flash of numbers pop up, you enter them, and viola—you’re in.
You might not have thought a thing of it—or you might have thought, “Hmm, that’s a little annoying, but it’s more secure.” No matter what you thought, if you considered it any further, or if it never crossed your mind again (until right this very moment as you read this article), you just experienced a multi-factor authentication process.
Neat, right?
While it’s cool that technology can work in conjunction that way, this is far more than just a neat little feature—in fact, it’s an incredibly important security measure that’s more than crucial for modern-day businesses.
Over the past few years, businesses have been going entirely digital—nowadays, there’s a mass exodus of industries switching over to cloud-based systems (for space, security, and modernity purposes, among others). While storing valuable, private, and intimate information on a computer or in a cloud system certainly helps with space issues (and with keeping modern-day businesses up-to-date with the latest technology), it presents us with a new set of challenges—hackers.
With the ever-swelling wave of cybercrime consistently crashing down on businesses, it’s of vital importance that companies who are storing their valuable data and credentials online are doing everything they can to protect it.
That’s where MFA comes in—and even better, that’s where we come in, too.
What Exactly is MFA?
An MFA—the shortened version of the term multi-factor authentication—is simply a security system that requires that you (the user trying to access valuable files, data, or information) enter more than one authentication method.
Before we dive into what that means exactly, let’s briefly talk about what authentication really means.
Authentication factors are the credentials a user inserts in order to verify who they are and that they’re able to access the files, documents, data, and more that they’re attempting to view. In other words, your authentication factor—your password, your pin-code, your security question—is your security system saying to you? “you know this answer, so you are who you say you are.”
Obviously, that authentication factor isn’t going to be common knowledge (not intentionally, anyway)—it will go to only those who need it to gain access to sensitive information. It’s secure. It’s a barrier that you have to breach to get to that private information.
In the simplest terms, it’s a layer of protection for your sensitive information.
A multi-factor authentication system is a clever combination of several (typically 2) independent authentication factors that act as a credential to better protect private information. In other words, it’s creating an additional layer of protection in the security system.
Consider this scenario.
A hacker or cybercriminal manages to figure out what your company password is. In a single authentication factor system (where the password is the only credential required to log in), they’ve cracked the code. They’re in, they have your info, and you’re out of luck.
But, consider how this scenario would go down with an MFA or 2FA system. The hacker acquires the password. They type it in. It works—but does it? They’re prompted to enter the code sent to the linked cellphone. Obviously, they’re not receiving a text anytime soon.
What could have been a disastrous and catastrophic event for your business was cleverly avoided by implementing a simple MFA security system.
Sure, it might be a bit pesky and annoying to enter in two forms of credentials or authentication—but in the long run, every extra step means better protection for you and your business.
How Does MFA Work: What Does it Look Like?
Remember our Facebook example at the beginning of this article? That was a simplified example of MFA—but nevertheless, an accurate one.
There can be any number of MFA combinations and scenarios, but there are a few common ones that work like a dream—you might already be familiar with a few of these.
Why Does Multi-Factor Authentication Matter?
While we could talk endlessly about why MFA matters (in fact, we do in this blog post, here), we’ll keep it short and sweet this time.
At Your Business Solutions, not a day goes by that we don’t recommend and insist our clients choose MFA security systems for their businesses. Why? Because every extra measure that we can help customers take to protect their valuable information (as well as their business’ welfare) is important to us. MFA, even if you find it a bit pesky at times, is wildly helpful. We believe that MFA is more than just a useful tool, it’s the future of the password, and with it, we can help you guarantee you and your business are protected.
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