What Is An MRI? (Behind the Scenes)

What Is An MRI? (Behind the Scenes)

In order to get to the root of your sciatica, your doctor may have to order diagnostic imaging studies. Since herniated discs are the most common cause of sciatica, one of the most common studies to see if you have disc herniations is an MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging).

An MRI uses powerful magnets to take 3-dimensional images of your body and a radiologist can determine whether you have soft tissue injuries such as herniated discs.

Because the MRI machine uses magnets, people with certain metal implants should not perform this study since the magnets can dislodge the metal.

Patients with pacemakers, aneurysm clips in the brain, and other foreign metallic fragments or bullet fragments should avoid an MRI.

In this video, I give a behind the scenes look at an MRI machine and walk you through the scan process.

Once you are cleared to get an MRI done, your body will go inside a tube (people with claustrophobia should talk to their doctor) and you may be given ear plugs since the machine makes noises.

After about 30 minutes, the MRI technician will pull you out of the tube and the images captured will be sent off to a radiologist to come up with a diagnosis.

Once the cause of your sciatica is determined, your doctor will set up a treatment plan specific to your condition.

The most common causes of sciatica include herniated discsdegenerative disc disease and spinal stenosisSI joint problems and piriformis syndrome.

All these conditions should follow specific treatment plans since doing the wrong exercises and procedures could cause you to suffer from sciatica for a longer period of time and even cause more pain.

Tired of suffering from sciatica? Watch my FREE training on the 7 steps to treat sciatica naturally!


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