What is a Motto for?
Harvard's motto is Veritas (Truth); in Hebrew, ????? (emet).
Yale's motto is Lux et Veritas (Light and Truth).? It is on the Yale coat of arms along with ????? ????? (an inaccurate Hebrew translation of Light and Truth).
The Columbia coat of arms is more complicated.? The College is represented by a Lady sitting in a Throne or Chair of State, with Several Children at her Knees to represent the Pupils. Out of her Mouth over her left Shoulder goes a Label with these words in Hebrew Letters ori-el [?????????], God is my light; alluding to Ps. 27:1. expressing her Acknowledgment of God the Father of Lights, as the Fountain of all that Light, both Natural and Revealed with which She proposes to enlighten or instruct her Children or Pupils; whereof the Sun rising under the Label is the Emblem or Hieroglyphic, alluding to that expression Mal. IV, 2., The Sun of Righteousness arising with healing in his Wings. Over her head is Jehovah [????] in a Glory, the Beams coming triangularly to a Point near her head, with these words around her for her motto, In Lumine Tuo Videbimus Lumen—In thy light shall we see light Ps. 36:9.
All these universities violated their oaths.
By definition, a Motto is a brief statement "used to express a principle, a goal, or an idea” or a statement “adopted as a guide to one's conduct.” Complicated ideas get lost in space; simple mottos can help you remember what's really important in an instant. A Motto is carefully reviewed by the founders of any organization / corporation to reflect the principles that shall guide them through their history...
Back to Ramirez. Axios summarizes what protestors are demanding.? Columbia protestors requested supplies and food, mislabeled "humanitarian aid". The Washington Times lists some of the more revolutionary supply requests of protestors.? UChicago encampment requests Plan B, HIV tests and dental dams. Students for Justice in Palestine at UCLA for requested donations of vegan and gluten-free food as well as “NO bananas,” “NO packaged food,” “NO coffee” and “NO bagels.”? No bagels?? Jew food?? None of these protestors have been to Abouelafia Bakery, founded in 1879,?located near the Clock Tower in Jaffa, and famous for is Jerusalem bagel, "beigaleh".
Modern day revolutionaries.? Unwilling to die for their beliefs, unlike IDF soldiers whom they ridicule and hate.??
To the barricades.? (You can no longer say "Man the barricades!" because it is sexist and will hurt the feelings of various components of LGBTQ+.? Is "People the barricades!" acceptable?)
Jared Silverman, E-mail:?? [email protected]
Lots on the WSJ opinion pages today.? Here is an editorial.? But first . . .
Every radical, would-be radical, community organizer, protestor, et al., has read the Bible.? No, not that one, but Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals (1971).? In a nutshell, here they are.? You have seen them effectuated.
"Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. There is no defense. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage."
In an editorial, the WSJ gives a 2024 addendum.
The recent anti-Israel protests are often portrayed as a spontaneous uprising of student indignation against the Gaza war. But we’re learning that behind the young idealists is an organized movement of leftists who want to spread disorder and whose candid strategy is to defy school administrators and police to achieve their radical goals.?
[Think of the Bolsheviks in Russia, the Communists and Nazis in Weimar, and the Socialists and Communists in France at various times.? They operate on the 3.5% Rule - it takes around 3.5% of the population actively participating in the protests to ensure serious political change.] Read the French Revolution is attacking the American Revolution by Wesley J. Smith, 08-08-2017: https://www.theepochtimes.com/the-french-revolution-is-attacking-the-american-revolution_3723968.html?utm_source=news&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=breaking-2021-03-08-2
A window on this movement is CrimethInc.com, a website that has become a hub for anarchists, Antifa activists and radical leftists. In recent weeks it has published anonymous reports from around the country drawing lessons from various campus protests. They reveal the method behind the mayhem—and a plan to use violence and break the law.
Jared Silverman
E-mail:?? [email protected]
The Wall Street Journal
Rules for Campus Radicals, 2024
A website reveals the planning and strategy behind the current college mayhem.
The Editorial Board
May 2, 2024
The recent anti-Israel protests are often portrayed as a spontaneous uprising of student indignation against the Gaza war. But we’re learning that behind the young idealists is an organized movement of leftists who want to spread disorder and whose candid strategy is to defy school administrators and police to achieve their radical goals.
A window on this movement is CrimethInc.com, a website that has become a hub for anarchists, Antifa activists and radical leftists. In recent weeks it has published anonymous reports from around the country drawing lessons from various campus protests. They reveal the method behind the mayhem—and a plan to use violence and break the law.
“It’s clear that in order for this crisis to develop further, student occupations should take buildings whenever possible,” says an analysis of events at Cal Poly Humboldt. “We can wield the most power by occupying the spaces where classes are held and administrators have offices.”
A post-mortem on protests at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign notes that “encampment is escalation. Putting tents up on campus is against almost every campus policy. Refusing to take them down means refusing to listen to a ‘lawful command.’” In other words, breaking school policy and law isn’t an accident; it’s the point of the exercise.
“The basic premise of the encampment is already an escalation that the cops will meet with force,” the memo adds, so “organizers should not concern themselves with de-escalation or ‘remaining peaceful.’”
The Illinois memo advises students to “be prepared to escalate your actions in order to continue making it more expensive—whether materially, financially, or socially” for administrators “to remain complicit than to divest” their endowments from Israel.
This suggests the futility of negotiating with most protesters. University of Illinois administrators described in a campus-safety memo how police “officers made the decision to deescalate the situation and stepped back to reduce the risk of injury to themselves or the demonstrators” after protesters used “pieces of lumber as well as other physical tools and objects to push the officers back.”
The occupiers took this as a sign of “regime” retreat and a signal to escalate the protests. The CrimethInc analysis lauds these protesters for being “prepared to push and de-arrest as needed.” And it offers specific advice on useful tools for radicals: “Plywood, insulation board, lumber, scrap wood, metal sheeting, garbage cans, and water barrels can all be used as raw materials, and some can even be sourced from campus dumpsters.”
An analysis of the protests at Cal Poly Humboldt says “the pro-Palestinian movement must be a movement against the police.” One lesson from “the George Floyd Uprising” is that “it is best to come to all demonstrations with goggles, gas masks, laser pointers, and shields. You never know what a casual sleepover might become.” A dispatch from the University of Texas at Austin encourages protestors to “surround” and “force out the police.”
These protest guides reveal that universities are attracting professional demonstrators. “One experienced participant” at the Columbia protests describes looking fondly at the young students with “that manic, electric, slightly dazed look that I associate with participating for the first time in some sort of revolutionary upheaval.” It brought back memories of “our first protests and occupations” including “Occupy Wall Street, the George Floyd Rebellion.”
Ah, there’s nothing like the memory of your first time at the barricades.
The goal of these pros is to spread their knowledge to recruit and train another generation. As one memo puts it: The University of Illinois “encampment taught us: if you build it, they will defend it, they will learn from it, they will grow from it.” New York police say nearly half of the protesters arrested at Columbia and City College campuses weren’t students.
These radicals are also hiding behind students. The Columbia report praises “a new cross-pollination between campus life and protest activity,” saying that “to the extent to which the administration cannot distinguish between the student body as a whole and the protesters, everyone involved is safer.”
Everyone, that is, except students who want to attend class to get their degree, Jewish students, administrators, police and anyone who doesn’t yield to the mob.
All of this shows that the spreading protest movement isn’t a political accident. It’s part of a larger strategy of spreading disorder to force colleges and U.S. policy to bend to the left’s will and demands. As events this week at Columbia and UCLA show, trying to appease this law-breaking will encourage more of it.
Subject: To My Dear Non-Jewish Friends
Your kids are being taught to hate mine.
Kindergarteners nationwide now learn that “I is for Intifada”. On the daily, in both K-12 and Universities, Jewish kids are being tormented, harassed, spat on and threatened. "Death to Israel", "Kill all the Jews", "Long Live the Intifada!", Hitler mustaches and Nazi salutes are just some of the ongoing forms of intimidation they face in and outside the classroom. Jewish students and teachers are being forced out of buildings, trapped into spaces, and heiled Hitler, while swastikas are graffitied around campuses freely and terror-sponsored encampments are sprouting. Public disrespect and intimidation is commonplace, and despite them breaching school policy, code of conduct or the actual law - there is no repercussion or accountability for the perpetrators.
The world is mad and no one seems to notice. Jews are being bashed over the head on the street, shot in their workplace and denied participation in competitions, shows, panels and international events at the request of hateful protests, and canceled in cities where venues and local officials were unwilling to deal with keeping Jews safe.
The United Nations is happy to only condemn Israel and applauds UNRWA, who actively participated in the October 7th massacre. Harvard University offers its students a for-credit summer term studying side by side with Hamas members and supporters at Birzeit University in the West Bank. Fans wearing a “Free Our Hostages” sweatshirt at an NBA game got kicked out, Teen Vogue honors a protest suicide and according to their latest statement, and despite the 2.2 million children starving due to the conflict in Yemen, the American Academy of Pediatrics is only bothered by the suffering of Palestinian children.
The world is mad and no one seems to care.
As moral clarity seems to dissipate even from those who we thought had the intellectual capacity to make decisions based on fact, the world for Jews is every day more frightening.
Propaganda similar to Germany in the 1930’s has run rampant and thanks to the media, academia and social media, is spreading at alarming rates. Antisemitic hate crimes have reached historic levels with a rise of 500% and antisemitic comments on TikTok rose 912% this year alone.
Hate is being institutionalized.
The Ethnic Studies curriculum, thrice failed at the California State level and which Governor Newsom said “would never see the light of day” for its deep-rooted antisemitism, has instead, become deep rooted in the classroom.
The authors of said curriculum were not only publicly and immediately celebrating the brutal and savage massacre of Israelis on October 7th, but have since capitalized on the ill-informed sympathies of the world and society’s Israel-bashing, to triple down on institutionalizing Jew-hate.
San Diego Unified School District, the 3rd largest district in California with over 100,000 students, is helping lead the charge. The Ethnic Studies and Equity & Belonging departments share wide-reaching, hate-filled newsletters in the name of love, with links to teaching resources with shocking anti-Israel and antisemitic content, in violation of California Ed Codes, Federal laws, and local SDUSD Board Policies. NY, Massachusetts and too many others have followed suit.
Outside of the disappointments inside the classroom, the majority of Jews, as liberals, are watching as all those whose civil rights they long fought for and defended, stood with and for, desert them.
Jews helped found and fund the Negro colleges and the NAACP, marched arm-in-arm with MLK in Selma and died in the Mississippi Freedom Summer... but now BLM has made it their mission to help DEI and academia draw false comparisons in Israel to racial inequality in the U.S., conveniently ignoring that the fact that over 60% of Israel’s Jewish population is “of color” and comes from other Middle Eastern and African countries. Instead, they are manipulating the cause of racial justice to advance Hamas’ terrorist goals.
Jewish activists and changemakers have always helped champion rights for Women and the LGBTQ community, and even though Israel is the only country in the Middle East where they would have equal rights, they both march in the streets in support of Hamas, who would rather see them dead than gay. Despite their professed love for RBG and sisterhood, no feminist seems to care that Israeli women on 10/7 and still now-hostages are being brutally raped and abused.
Because their schools, universities and media feeds have become breeding grounds for hate and incubators for justifying the unimaginable, giving them no motivation to resolve their cognitive dissonance.
Please – if your kids are jumping on this social justice indoctrination train where humanity excludes Jews, then I beg of you, educate them and yourselves. The same baseless propaganda has been morphed into a justification so perverse, that now Neo Nazis can march arm in arm with “social justice” warriors.
At the very least, please know the truth on these irresponsibly adopted lies:
Israel is in no way an Apartheid State. Arab citizens make up over 20% of the country’s population and not only have equal rights under the law, but participate actively in government, academia, business, healthcare, and culture. Arab and Jewish Israelis live in mixed cities, both have freedom of movement and residence, and share schools, transportation and medical facilities. Arabs have full citizenship rights, vote, hold office, and serve at all levels of government, where 17 Arab lawmakers are currently in the Knesset and an Arab justice sits on the Supreme Court.
Indigenous people cannot colonize themselves. Jews are indigenous to the land of Israel whose history began in the 2nd millennium BCE in the then Judean region (hence Jew) and have had a presence there since. Jesus, a Jew, was born there 600 years before Islam came into existence. Faced with repeated expulsion through the ages, most Jews roamed without a home until the end of the the 19th and early 20th centuries. As a result of incessant persecution - the Spanish Inquisition, Russian Pogroms, and the German Holocaust - Jews began moving back to Israel in greater numbers, giving Palestinians there the right to stay put and purchasing land only from willing sellers.
Israel is not committing genocide. Not only has the Arab population in both the West Bank and Israel increased annually since the founding of the state, but the irony of this popular hashtag is that only Hamas has declared genocidal intentions. Their public charter clearly states Jewish genocide as it’s mission. They have openly and unapologetically promised to repeat October 7th until “Palestine is Free from the River to the Sea”, which means no Israel and no Israelis. They have promised Genocide. In response, and faced with an actual existential threat, with provocation and without choice, Israel has been forced to dismantle Hamas. In doing so, it is well documented (though rarely disseminated) that Israel has taken more measures to avoid needless civilian harm than virtually any other nation that fought an urban war. And yet, when Hamas uses human shields and Palestinian death tolls as ammunition for global sympathy, Israel loses in the world court where Hamas is happy to control the narrative.
If your child is already caught up in the “Free Palestine” movement, please explain that Israel tried to enable that when it withdrew every last Israeli from Gaza in 2005. Tell them that Hamas got billions of dollars from the world to help that “Freed Palestine” flourish but instead, spent it on building terror tunnels. Terror tunnels larger than the entire London underground with weapons and ammunition intentionally stored under schools, hospitals and anywhere ideal to use their Palestinian citizens as human shields. If protestors cared about Palestinians, they would support Israel’s defeat of Hamas.
If your child is truly a humanitarian, perhaps they can speak for the 132 hostages that are still being held captive underground in 24-hour terror. Perhaps they can call attention to the fact that babies, children, teens and the elderly were taken hostage, many forced to watch the torture, mutilation, rape and burning alive of their friends and family.
There is so much more at stake as a human race than just the Jew-hatred, but this is where it starts. We are the canary in the coal mine and this is really just a warning to the West.
As a Jewish mom filled with fear and sadness over the world my kids are growing into, I ask from the bottom of my heart that you please:
1. Educate yourselves and your children
2. Don’t stay silent
Antisemitism is happening all around you. Jews are 0.02% of the world’s population. We cannot do this alone.
Aimee Golant
President Joe Biden has been dogged for months by pro-Palestinian protesters calling him “Genocide Joe” — but some of the groups behind the demonstrations receive financial backing from philanthropists pushing hard for his reelection.
The donors include some of the biggest names in Democratic circles: Gates, Soros, Rockefeller and Pritzker, according to a POLITICO analysis.
Two of the main organizers behind protests at Columbia University and on other campuses are Jewish Voice for Peace and IfNotNow. Both are supported by the Tides Foundation, which is seeded by Democratic megadonor George Soros as well as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and it in turn supports numerous small nonprofits that work for social change. (Gates did not return a request for comment, and Soros declined to comment.)
Another notable Democratic donor whose philanthropy has helped fund the protest movement is David Rockefeller Jr., who sits on the board of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund. In 2022, the fund?gave $300,000?to the Tides Foundation; according to nonprofit tax forms, Tides has given nearly $500,000 over the?past five years?to Jewish Voice for Peace, which explicitly describes itself as anti-Zionist.
Several other groups involved in pro-Palestinian protests are backed by a foundation funded by Susan and Nick Pritzker, heir to the Hyatt Hotel empire — and supporters of Biden and numerous Democratic campaigns,?including $6,600 to the Biden Victory Fund?a few months ago and more than $300,000 during the 2020 campaign.
The trail of donations shows a series of blurred lines when it comes to liberal causes and Democratic politics. Often those missions are aligned, but they also sometimes have different and — particularly when it comes to Gaza — conflicting agendas and tactics. And a small group of wealthy heavyweights are often playing an outsize role funding many of them.
But as protester tactics have grown more intense, like taking over university buildings and shouting antisemitic remarks, the groups behind them are now attracting criticism from prominent donors on the left.
“Why [is the Rockefeller Fund] giving significant grants to Jewish Voice for Peace, [which] blamed the horrific Oct. 7 attacks on Israel and the United States rather than Hamas?” said Elisha Wiesel, a Democratic donor who chairs the Elie Wiesel Foundation, an organization that supports anti-genocide work.
Jewish Voice for Peace, which did not return a request for comment, has been a leader in disruptive protests against Biden, including?shouting “genocide supporter” at his glitzy fundraiser at Radio City Music Hall?in New York in March. It protests on campuses across the country, and?its statement immediately following the Oct. 7 attacks?said that “the source of all this violence” was “Israeli apartheid and occupation — and United States complicity in that oppression.”
The complex funding system in the nonprofit space sometimes means that groups are funded by grants — or even subgrants — from a larger organization that isn’t involved in granular, day-to-day management of an activist group’s work. In a statement to POLITICO, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund noted it cannot support political activity or campaigns and is not involved in the personal political giving of trustees.
“Our grantees in all three portfolios support a broad range of policy ideas—some align with the Biden administration’s agenda and others conflict. This complexity is part and parcel of our nonpartisan work,” said Sarah Edkins, the fund’s communications director, in a statement. Some advisers to left-leaning causes say that’s just part of the way things work when it comes to philanthropic giving.
“There may be times where a donor may give to an organization or candidate that sometimes does something that clashes with their personal view,” said Kevin Conlon, who has been a bundler for Biden as well as for Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, and now advises nonprofits. ?
Still, some donors say they feel conflicted as they watch the protests unfold.
“We’re hearing from folks who want to make sure that their dollars aren’t supporting people who are supporting Hamas and shouting antisemitic things,” said Daniel Goldwin, public affairs executive director of the Jewish United Fund in Chicago, which issues grants to small local nonprofits and to larger national nonprofits. “If it’s an organization they’ve been giving to for a long time, we encourage them to call and communicate their concerns.”
Biden is struggling to regain support from young people, who went overwhelmingly for him in 2020, and the protests may complicate that effort. As Israel faces increasing criticism from around the world amid the high numbers of civilian casualties in Gaza, demonstrations in the United States are only growing more intense. Those at Columbia University, in particular, have emerged as a thorn in the side of Biden, who finally weighed in on them on Thursday.
“Destroying property is not a peaceful protest, it’s against the law,” Biden said. “Vandalism, trespassing, breaking windows, shutting down campuses, forcing the cancellation of classes and graduation, none of this is a peaceful protest.”
Some Democrats are downplaying the protests as a problem for Biden.
“Elections aren’t determined on foreign policy issues,” said Jill Zipin, co-founder and chair of Democratic Jewish Outreach Pennsylvania, a political action committee that works to elect Democrats in Pennsylvania. “The protest movement and the encampments probably won’t be an issue in November, but it’s really hard to say because things can change quickly.”
The liability for Biden could be more pronounced if the protests continue throughout the summer and fall, as the election draws closer.
“If it continues through November, then yes, it’s likely to be more salient,” said Omar Wasow, a scholar who studies protest movements and their political effects. “And if it somehow winds down, you see Americans don’t care a lot about foreign policy, and it’s likely to not to play out in the election.”
Many of the nonprofits that receive grants that are now involved in the protests also have missions that are mostly unrelated to foreign policy. But as the conflict in the Middle East takes up a greater space at the center of the nation’s political debates, nonprofits with other missions have been drawn to the cause.
“A lot of our members are supporting actions that are trying to hold Biden accountable, which is not the same thing as opposing Biden. It’s saying we desperately don’t want the alternative,” said Barni Qaasim, a spokesperson for Solidaire Action, a group that funds social justice movements.
Solidaire has received financial support from the Pritzkers, who also founded the Libra Foundation, which funds smaller nonprofits that address criminal justice, environmental and gender justice issues. Susan Pritzker declined to comment for this story. Some of the groups funded by Libra have also been involved in protests against Israel’s response to the Oct. 7 attack by Hamas.
For instance, The Climate Justice Alliance took part in pro-Palestinian marches that have used the phrase “Genocide Joe.” Black Organizing for Leadership and Dignity, another group backed by the Libra Foundation, promotes pro-Palestinian demonstrations on its website. And a third, the Immigrant Defense Project, was part of a protest in Washington that saw?13 activists arrested by Capitol police?after demanding a permanent cease-fire in Gaza.
The Tides Foundation, funded by the Prizkers, has also supported the Adalah Justice Project, which has also been?part of protests?at Columbia University. The group?wrote on X, formerly Twitter,?that “universities are hedge funds, deeply embedded with weapons manufacturers.” Tides also supports Palestine Legal, a legal defense fund that is offers legal assistance to “students mobilizing against genocide.”
The Tides Foundation issued a statement about funding groups that protest, saying it is “committed to advancing social justice,” adding that its “community of fiscally sponsored projects, donors, and grantees represent a wide range of perspectives on what social justice looks like.”
Palestine Legal has been a fiscally sponsored project of the Tides Center since 2013, and Adalah Justice Project since 2016, according to a spokesperson. Jewish Voice for Peace and IfNotNow “are grantee partners.”
Some donors may use this moment to reevaluate where their money goes, something that Conlon, the Democratic bundler, acknowledged.
“They might be less inclined to give [in the future] if they feel strongly about it. Inevitably, there will be conflicts,” he said. “You’re not going to sync perfectly all the time.”
Are there limits to freedom of speech?
Remember Jan 6?
The Party Of ‘Death To America’
I & I Editorial Board, May 7, 2024
There was, if hazy memories recall correctly, a time when the Democratic Party was merely an alternative to the Republican Party and not a threat to the country. Those days are gone. Today’s Democrats are in the business of wracking, ruining and razing.
The Biden administration, says former Hawaiian Democratic congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, is “destroying the foundational, fundamental elements of our country and what it means to be an American.”
Speaking recently to Dave Rubin of the Rubin Report, Gabbard noted that “we have seen now consistently throughout his entire administration over these last three and a half years, consistently pushing policies that undermine our freedom, that make our country less safe and less secure, and that is very quickly unraveling and” wrecking the backbone of the country.
Though Gabbard left the party not even two years ago, what we’re seeing is not new. The political left, says author David Horowitz, has long been filled with radical activists who “cannot be negotiated with.”
Hillsdale College on 02-12-2014 David Horowitz on Rules for Radicals
Former Prime Minister David Cameron: No moral equivalence between Hamas and Israel: 04:00 on the dial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WMfBsqIIeg4
“There is no living alongside it. Either Americans defeat the Neo-Nazi Left or the Neo-Nazi Left defeats America,” says Horowitz.? [Look at the pro-Hamas demonstratios on campuses and the countries streets.? They demand full capitulation,]
While there were Democrats in the 1960s and 1970s, and a few in the 1980s, who were centrists in both name and deed, the party is now owned by this “Neo-Nazi Left.” The takeover (or was it a willing surrender?) is complete, having reached the point that today Democrats are closely aligned with terrorists. In 2024, they are:
Mark Levin, author, talk show host and chairman of Landmark Legal Foundation, wrote a book last year about the party’s war on this nation’s values and foundations. Levin said it was important for him to write “The Democrat Party Hates America” because “the 800-pound gorilla that is responsible for virtually every single cultural, political, societal confrontation that we have is the Democrat Party.”
And why is this the case?
“Because,” he says, “the Democrat Party is built on hate.”? [Fueled by victimhood and identity politics.]
The evidence is in schools that teach students that the U.S. is a murderous, racist nation built on stolen land and slave labor; in the media and entertainment realms, where “news” and show business productions are intended to turn Americans against the Western ideals of liberty and civil society; and of course in the politics of the Democratic “squad” that is made up of lawmakers hostile to the country yet has been allowed, in some cases encouraged, to aggregate more power in the party.
Even Elon Musk, who in the past voted “overwhelmingly” for Democrats, recognizes that they “have become the party of division and hate.”
What they want is a new America that is nothing like the country the founders gave us and would more closely resemble an authoritarian state ruled by, yes, the Neo-Nazi Left.? [Or Orwell's Oceania.]
— Written by the?I&I Editorial Board
A. Jared Silverman, Esq.
Law Offices of A. Jared Silverman
421 Hudson Street, Suite 503
New York, New York 10014
Phone:??? 973-669-0094
Fax:??????? 973-669-8943
E-mail:?? [email protected]