What Motivates Our Clients to Own a Business?
What reasons do our clients have for starting or buying a business, or opening a franchise? To give you a frame of reference, our typical client usually has ten years plus of professional experience, primarily in the corporate world. They have acquired transferable skills and experiences as well as gained a perspective on the pros and cons of working in the corporate world. Here are the top reasons given as to why they want to venture out of the corporate world and into small business ownership.
Our clients want to choose how they live their life, including:
· greater control over their schedules
· decide what type of clients they want to work with
· build a culture that suits them
· have the responsibility and satisfaction for the results achieved
· decide what their work environment is going to be
· set their own vacation dates and as often as they’d like
This lifestyle is achievable in the franchise world! Franchise owners run their business for themselves, but not by themselves. The franchisors provide them start-up training, marketing, support, lead generation, ongoing training, coaching and camaraderie, which are all key success components.
Our clients express that they want to do something meaningful and often tangible. Often the expression “giving back†is used to describe the engagement they are looking for. As clients experience the discovery process of understanding their options, they often find compelling factors that engage them. This can be mentoring of staff, providing work, seeing the tangible results of their work, leading and developing a strong team, and applying existing skills while adding new.
How do we help our clients? We apply our coaching methodology to help our clients gain directional and goal clarity. Naturally, income is a key component, but often other factors turn out to be more important, such as the desire to live the lifestyle of their dreams.
If you're interested in learning more about our methodology and how you may benefit, schedule an informal conversation. Please use this link to schedule a call.