What are the most valuable skills a person can have for their entire life?
We all want to be on top of our games and, a few soft skills give us a slight edge over others. Whether we are in the corporate setting or a social gathering, we all look for acceptance and appreciation, consciously or subconsciously. Following are a few skills that I believe are crucial.
Understanding and accepting perspectives
One would rarely find someone who looks at the world from the same set of eyes. The sooner we accept that people can have a different opinion on a particular situation and the world does not function as black and white, the better it is for us. Not only do we need to accept it but respect their choice as well.
Critical thinking and problem-solving skills
This skill correlates with the above-mentioned point. Before jumping to any conclusion or coming up with a solution, it is imperative to look at a situation from different angles. Of course, one cannot make everyone happy but, coming up with a solution that creates minimum damage, tangible and intangible, is essential.
Problem solving. Being able to figure out solutions to every day problems helps you navigate through life without having to rely solely on others.
Self-control and persistence
"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act but a habit" - Aristotle.
Our world today is full of means that provide instant gratification. Be it social media, online shopping, binge eating or, simply jumping on fads that you come across to feel the part of the crowd. For long-term health and wealth, self-control is vital. Greatness demands devotion.
Having self control will help you immensely. It allows you to care of yourself and dedicate time to things that are unplesant yet necessary for your daily life.
Compassion, empathy, etc.
This will help to understand others and their feelings which makes your social life easier. Not only that but compassion and empathy also help you form your own morals that will guide you in making good choices and being a better person.
Social skills.
You can’t really avoid other people for your whole life and having the skill to interact with others will help you with a lot of things. Being able to create and maintain meaningful relationships has a huge positive effect on your psyche. We are social beings after all.
Other important skills
A few other significant skills needed in today's world are devising healthy coping mechanisms, establishing boundaries in different aspects of life, saying no when needed, balancing between being independent, and knowing when to reach out for help.