What Are the Most Significant Challenges Humanity Will Face in the Next 50 Years?
Scientists predict that in the coming 50 to 100 years, humanity will face major challenges, such as:
However, none of this will happen the way people imagine. Our current development leads us straight into a dead end. It might seem like we can tackle these problems by populating planets and transforming deserts, among other apparent solutions. We can build, destroy, or revolutionize the world, but the human ego will not let us do any of it in a way that will ultimately benefit humanity.
Instead, our egoism—the desire to enjoy at others' expense—will make life unbearable. It will lead to endless conflict, between family members, parents and children, neighbors, cities, and nations. It does not matter where or over what, we will be unable to get along. Eventually, it will become so extreme that we will be running through deserted streets just to buy bread, armed and desperate. This is where egoism will lead us.
No invention will save us. We will use every technological breakthrough to dominate, exploit, and suppress others. We can see this today with our technological advancements. What do we really use them for? To manipulate, profit, and control.
So instead of chasing empty dreams, we would be wiser to ask the real question: What is preventing us from being genuinely happy?
Happiness is not about colonizing lifeless planets, building driverless cars, or extending life to 200 years. 70 or 80 years is enough if they are lived meaningfully. It is not about how long we live but how we live. Death is inevitable and trying to push it further away is a meaningless pursuit.
What we really need is to achieve a sense of eternity and perfection while still alive in this world. That is the real solution, and not to get lost in egoistic distractions that will ultimately drive everything into ruin.
Can we say that we are happier today than people were 50 years ago? They did not have the electronic gadgets we do now, yet that did not make them any less happy. In fact, many studies show that people are more depressed, lonely, anxious, and stressed today, struggling more than ever before.
Today, people seek ways to escape reality, whether through substances, distractions, or an endless stream of entertainment. If someone lived for 200 years under these conditions, what would they do with their extra time? Spend 100 of those years in a narcotic dream?
We need to create a good life here and now, and the solution is simple: to develop positive and kind relationships. If we fail to establish this upgrade of human relations, we are headed straight for disaster.
People talk about Armageddon, but do they even know what it means? It comes from the name of a small mountain in Israel, Har Megiddo, where battles took place thousands of years ago. Since then, the term has become a symbol for the end of the world. We do not, however, have to wait for such a catastrophe. We can choose not to push ourselves to extreme suffering. We can make life peaceful, good, and fulfilling, not in 50 years, but today.
Most importantly, through the wisdom of Kabbalah, we can begin to feel the next stage of existence, the upper world, the transition from one state to another, from one cycle of life to the next. This is within our reach. I truly wish for everyone to discover this eternal state of growth and fulfillment, and to do so sooner rather than later, sparing ourselves much suffering in the process.
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