What will be the most researched and viewed content of the FIFA World Cup?
Today we focus on content, one of the most highly online requested services. Standing out in the virtual world means understanding your audience's needs and language in the battle to catch people's attention. The platforms where users consume content keep increasing, but among them, the ones that offer the most engagement within the soccer fans community are - Twitter, Facebook & Youtube.
Statistics show that globally, the average video viewing time is at minimum, already 5,75 hours per week, while the favourite average video length is 2-5 minutes to 6-30 minutes, crowning video formats as one of the most popular ones.
Going back to the FIFA World Cup, the most consumed video content on the viral platforms includes:
It is indeed, a great opportunity to enhance your strategy by focusing on content of all types.
At VIME, we combine Research, Strategy & Creation as part of our Content Marketing methodology.
Visit our website to learn more about our expertise www.vimedigital.com and contact us for any inquiries, our international team will be delighted to help your business out!