What are the most popular wallets for tokens?
There is really a lot of wallets out there, and every day more are coming on-line. There are now token specific wallets and blockchain specify wallets, but the latest breed is the multi-currency/token wallets. Here is a small sample of the popular ones, excluding a big section that includes the hardware wallets like KeepKey, wallets from an exchange (Coinbase, Poloniex, Bitfinex, Bitstamp & Kraken have a mobile version of their wallets as well as many other exchanges) and the more sophisticated multi-signature wallets like BitGo to name one.
Bitcoin (BTC):
BIG WARNING: Before you pick any wallet, make sure it is, in fact, a trusted wallet. Do your research and make sure the team behind the wallet is a known trusted party. And always keep your private keys secure, don't forget them. If you forget your keys please read https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/how-reset-your-crypto-wallet-password-juan-meza/
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