What Are the Most Popular Social Media Platforms in 2022?

What Are the Most Popular Social Media Platforms in 2022?

Social media platforms have come a long way since their first inception in the mid-2000s. Today, there are more social media platforms than ever before, and their uses span far beyond connecting with friends and family. As technology advances and new tools become available, we’ll see new digital platforms emerge as leaders in the social media realm. In contrast, others will fall by the wayside and be forgotten. Let’s take a look at the most popular tech platforms in 2022...

Social media platforms will continue to grow and evolve.

Image of the graph showing Marketer's Digital Platform Investment Plans for 2022. Published on MarketingChart.com in January 2022. Data Source WARC.

To understand how they’ll change, we need to look at current trends and put them into context. There are three key variables—data, artificial intelligence (AI), and social media—impacting their success over time. Let’s dig deeper into each one of these. First, data is king when it comes to social media. Companies that can harness more of it will have a clear competitive advantage in services and innovation that can benefit their customers. Users’ ever-growing data presents several opportunities for developers who integrate predictive analytics software with social platforms. As AI algorithms continue to improve, personalization will become even more relevant, and personalized content will likely be explicitly tailored toward an individual user (hint for the cookieless world). Finally, social media as we know it has existed for less than two decades. Given its short lifespan, it should come as no surprise that there are tons of undiscovered business models and innovation possibilities waiting to be realized on existing networks.

The most popular platforms will change based on demographics.

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In 2022, both Generation Z and Millennials will account for nearly 20% of people on earth, meaning that their tastes are sure to have an enormous impact on future social media trends. Data points out that Gen Z values privacy and sharing authentic experiences over mass-broadcasting information. Based on these preferences, it’s not hard to imagine a more intimate, focused social media environment where users share everything from food photos to party pics with smaller circles of friends instead of using Facebook/Meta or Instagram.

This is why TikTok and Instagram Reels and Stories took off. And if these trends continue, it won’t be surprising to see even greater privacy features baked into future social media platforms designed for Gen Z and Millennials alike—ones that encourage intimate social connections over viral videos and group-chat threads.

If you aren’t speaking to your audience in the language they prefer and understand, you are missing out. Don’t write long paragraphs [the irony of my articles] of text people have to read word for word; write short stories that capture their attention and interest in a way only images/videos/clips can. The truth is: people learn differently than we do.

AI technologies will enable personalized customer experiences.

Marketers are already using AI technologies to create personalized experiences for their customers by combining data on demographics, location, online behavior, purchasing history, and so much more to make every customer feel that they’re receiving a one-on-one experience. Imagine being able to pull up your social media platform of choice—whether it’s Facebook/Meta or Instagram or LinkedIn—and having these personalized experiences customized just for you whenever you log on. One area where AI technologies will have a considerable impact is social media, and digital platforms are giving users truly personal experiences based on what they want to see from those platforms. Today, users don’t always get what they want out of these platforms—your newsfeed may be filled with friend updates about things like baby showers and shopping trips instead of posts about work-related items or specific industry news related to your interests. You get what you put out!

The best way to know what your audience wants more of is by looking at the content that is performing better than the rest. That’s where analytics come into play. Analytics help companies and individuals make well-informed decisions based on their data collection, organizing, and presentation abilities. For digital platforms, using big data analysis will be vital for providing a tailored experience for every user—no matter who they are or what they’re interested in seeing from a particular platform.

It’s 2022, and the amount of organizations not set up for Google Analytics is still too high, and this is why they don’t know who their audience is.??

According to Gartner, by 2020, 20% of large enterprises will be managing 1 million or more social media customer touchpoints. This means that by 2022 there will be 2 billion customer touchpoints with businesses on social media platforms. Facebook has close to 3 billion users, and Linkedin has over 66 active million members. The average user spends an hour per day on these two platforms alone.

New levels of customer service, education, and entertainment will be created.

Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) will become more widespread, offering immersive experiences that you can’t have in your daily life. For now, these are primarily for virtual world gaming enthusiasts, but as tech improves and costs come down, these will expand to much broader use. VR could also revolutionize social networking by allowing people from different parts of the world to be virtually present together at a concert or sporting event, for example.

Regardless of where we are today, how ready are you for these daily changes? Will social media platforms be a thing of the past, or is it here to stay? If it survives and grows, what new and exciting features will be a part of our lives by 2023. Will there be an increased rise in advertisements, like pop-ups on websites that are embedded with sound or video (didn’t work out well in the early 2020s), using your face and speech to promote products and services based on your data collected from sites such as Facebook and LinkedIn??

Looking back at my high school days, I remember when AOL and MSN first came out. We started using them because they were fast, easy to use, and didn’t require me to change any settings. Fast forward 20 years, now all I do is open Instagram and let my friends know exactly what’s going on in real-time as if it was happening right then. How did we get so comfortable communicating instantly via computers, let alone attaching human emotions to technology? Humans evolved over thousands of years, communicating verbally, writing things down through newspapers or books, and now stroking fingers on screens and keyboards.?

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This is the most mind-boggling and scary trend of our time "Baby Boomers" could have imagined. Yet; very intriguing and even provoking, to dare is almost a survival task. Humans always experience the imposition of their inventions. It makes me think of the telephone device, I wonder how many individuals were threatened by its sudden existence and soon found the amazing convenience of its use to turn into have it, or just be inadequately impractical. Needless to say, we have no chance of overcoming the new business caption hijack unless we jump into the lifeguard wagon. Just say Welcome to Social Media!



