What Most People Don't Know About Peace-of-Mind

What Most People Don't Know About Peace-of-Mind

Here’s the thing most people forget about peace-of-mind.

It is always available.


You can never lose it.

It can’t be broken.

It can never be taken from you.

You can give it away…

Which we often do unknowingly.

When we assume that someone or something has caused us to feel upset, angry, stressed, tense, anxious, worried, etc.

But that’s merely an illusion.

As those darker experiences are like a cloud passing through a sky that is always clear.

Peace-of-mind is always here.

It’s underneath every single experience, emotion, and thought.

It comes through as a feeling of love.



And Clarity.

The next time you feel that you have ‘lost’ your peace-of-mind, try looking underneath it.

Beneath your emotions, experiences, and thoughts.

To what is always present and will never leave you.

Start by sitting still for a few minutes.

As Mavin Karn has said, “Imagine you are in a room full of feathers and you need to sit still enough for them to all fall to the ground”.

By slowing down and finding stillness, you will find your peace-of-mind that was there all along.


Tracey Gazel?

I equip leaders with the tools to lead with mental clarity and calm composure.

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https://www.dhirubhai.net/in/tracey-gazel/ ?


??This ^^. I was feeling a little anxious yesterday after a client call since they're going through a tough situation and taking 5 minutes to reset by being still really helped me be ready for my next call. Anyone else do this after tough meetings?



