What is the most important lesson in life?

What is the most important lesson in life?

A man sees a snake dying in flames and decides to free it from the fire. As soon as he catches it, the snake bites him causing excruciating pain. The man immediately drops the snake and the reptile falls back into the burning flames. At this point the man, looking around, finds a metal pole and uses it to take the snake from the flames again, saving his life. Another man, who had seen what happen, approaches the man and asks him: "This snake bit you! Why are you trying to save his life?"

The man replies: "The snake's nature is to bite, but that won't change my nature, which is to help." Don't change your nature just because someone has hurt you. Don't lose your goodness of mind, but learn to act carefully.


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How can I improve my English writing skills?


,?knows English

Answered?August 20, 2020

First off, the fact that you want to improve is terrific! English writing skills are vitally important if you’re thinking of going on to further education in an English-speaking country, or you want a job that requires English. Here is a list of six ways to improve your written English. 1.

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Jacob Mark

,?Blogger, Researcher & Vedio Animator at Self-Employment

Answered?August 24?·?Upvoted by?Magdalene Blake

,?B.A. Humanities & English Literature (2001)?and?Mike Johnson

,?Ph.d Psychology & Philosophy, University of New South Wales

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Sophie Lasseter

,?Product Marketing Manager at MobileSpy.io (2018-present)

Answered?June 9

·?Upvoted by?Adriana del Moral

,?MA Philosophy, National Autonomous University Of Mexico (2007)

Originally Answered:?What are the most basic life lessons?

A brilliant way to recycle water

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,?Master Psychology, New York University (2012)

Answered?June 15

·?Upvoted by?Mike Johnson

,?Ph.d Psychology & Philosophy, University of New South Wales?and?Nankungu Alice

,?MBA Self-Improvement & Making Money Online, New York University (2017)

Originally Answered:?What are the most basic life lessons?

  1. If it still bothers you after 24 hours, speak up within 48 hours.
  2. A bad day doesn’t mean a bad life.
  3. Stop apologizing for expressing your feelings. You’re convincing yourself that you are not worth the space you take up.
  4. The trick is: as long as you know who you are & what makes you happy, it does not matter how others see you.
  5. Stop expecting honesty from people who lie to themselves.
  6. The small habits you apply now can be the reason for your success in 2, 5, or 10 years' time. Overnight success is built on years of consistent work.
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Juveria Siddiqui

,?I write to kill time


12th grade. Mathematics class.


After giving us a brief introduction, the teacher asked “What do integrals signify in life?”

My Maths teacher was habitual of relating every topic in the textbook to some element of life.

When nobody gave an answer, she continued,

“Integrals themselves signify LIFE.

The lower limit is your birth,

The upper limit- your death.

The Integrand is the life that you create, by continuous summation of the dx elements.

The dx elements are the moments of your life.

You can't remove a bad moment or erase anything from the past, but you can make sure that the next mo…?(more)




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Dr Nom

,?M.B.B.S from Medicine and Healthcare (2017)

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Originally Answered:?What are the most basic life lessons?

Let your children decide what they want to become. Give them freedom to choose for themselves.

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