What is the Most Important Decision You Will Ever Make?
Heath Oakes
CEO | Author | Leader | Sales & Business Growth Expert | Helping People Win in Business & Life
You leave for work tomorrow morning, and the neighborhood is just like it’s always been. The streets are clean, the lawns are trimmed, and the houses are all neat and well-kept. Driving in tomorrow evening, however, the house across the street hits you like a spotlight right in the eyes. A big, bright, pink spotlight. You see that the walls, doors, trim and, even, the roof have all been painted pink. What do you do?
That’s exactly what happened to residents of a neighborhood in Pflugerville, Texas, just north of Austin, and some aren’t reacting well. The owner of the house, was, in fact, threatened with lawsuits almost before the pink paint dried. He had done his homework, however, and bought his new home in a neighborhood without an HOA. That means he will, in all likelihood, continue to enjoy his handiwork no matter how loudly his neighbors complain.
Some are lining up their forces to do battle against what they see as an eyesore. A few, no doubt, will spend huge amounts of time, energy, and money fighting a battle they have no chance of winning. That might be admirable in a struggle against tyranny, oppression, or invading Barbarian hordes. But, going to war over a difference in decorating tastes? It seems like those resources, which most people never seem to have enough of, would be better spent on family, hobbies, or maybe even improving the neighborhood.
Perspective is everything, and changing perspective changes lives. The homeowner, Emilio Rodriguez, had a dream. He set goals, met them, and now his dream is a reality. That’s inspiring. His pink house can be an ugly black hole that consumes time, money, and relationships, or it can be proof that dreams come true with hard work and persistence.
We can’t always control what happens around us, but we can always control our reactions. It’s a choice we make hundreds of times each day, and it’s the most important choice we make in our lives. Consistently choosing well takes thought, introspection, and a lot of hard work. It’s also the difference between success and failure. The world is a better place when we choose wisely.
To hear more about choosing the right perspective, as well as a discussion about how setting and observing proper boundaries can make life easier and even save you from a jaguar attack at the zoo, download Episode 110 of the Second Shot podcast. It can be found on iTunes, SoundCloud, and Stitcher.
Heath Oakes is a Senior Territory Sales Manager for Colonial Life and Accident Insurance Company and the author of Ignorance on Fire: A Journey of Failing Your Way to Success. In addition to hosting Second Shot, he can be found on Twitter @heathoakes, Instagram @ignoranceonfire, and Facebook @Ignorance on Fire.
Jenny Anchondo is an Emmy award-winning journalist, television personality, and, most recently, business owner. Find her at jennyanchondo.com, @JennyAnchondoTV on Twitter, and @jennyanchondo on Instagram.