What is the most effective prayer in the Bible?
don carpenter
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Answer: The acknowledgement of the oneness of God is one of the most effective prayers in the Bible because the consciousness of God is answered prayer. All of the misery of humanhood is the result of the false belief that we are separate from God and each other. And the unifying prayer given to us by Jesus is "I and my Father are one". In other words, there is only one life and that Life is the Life of God. The oneness of God was further confirmed by Jesus when he said "call no man on earth your father, there is but one Father above".
Recognize your oneness with God, with Truth, with your source, for then you can never be separated from the Kingdom of God that is within you, within your conscious awareness. And this is answered prayer because Jesus clearly stated that "if" we "seek first that inner kingdom of God, then goodness, the absence of the discords of this world, will follow". The consciousness of God is answered prayer because now there is the Presence of God and "in thy Presence is fullness of Life", and "the Presence has come to give you Life and Life more abundantly".
The principle of consciousness reveals that only that which is held in our consciousness externalizes itself as our experience. And so it is that when the Spirit of God is upon us, that which is of God is what we experience, and "the sick are healed". Answered prayer is the constant dwelling in the secret place of the most high that we may "be still and know that I, the imprisoned splendor, am God".