What is Monkeypox, Symptoms, Spread, Prevention, Treatment

What is Monkeypox, Symptoms, Spread, Prevention, Treatment

A person living in England with a travel history to Nigeria was recently diagnosed with monkeypox. UK health officials have confirmed a rare virus infection with smallpox-like symptoms. At Guy's and St Thomas NHS Foundation Trust in London, the patient is receiving treatment. Despite being a rare disease, monkeypox is not easily spread among people, it is usually a mild illness that goes away on its own within a few weeks, according to the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA). It can also be extremely severe in some cases.

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Tropical rainforests with animals that carry the virus are home to cases, the World Health Organization (WHO) reports. Some species of monkeys, squirrels, Gambian pouched rats, and dormice have been shown to have the infection.

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For more details please click the link: What is Monkeypox, Symptoms, Spread, Prevention, Treatment (techniajz.com)


