What Money Really Is

What Money Really Is

Money has always played a significant role in society, influencing economies, shaping lifestyles, and, unfortunately, often defining success. However, it is time for me to offer a unique and thought-provoking perspective on what money represents. Through the "Humble Ego," I will challenge conventional notions of wealth and invite us to reconsider money's true essence. In this article, let's explore the deeper meaning behind money.

In a world where material wealth often takes center stage, examining the true essence of money and its role in our lives is crucial. I have come to appreciate a deeper understanding of what money truly represents. Let's go ahead and shed light on its significance beyond its mere transactional value.

A word of advice. While you read these lines, remember that I understand that we all are in different places in our life journey. Money could be something that shows in abundance in the life of some or something in the extreme of lacking for others. Nevertheless, the message is clear without excluding anyone from their journey and their responsibilities or luck.

Money as an Instrument of Exchange

Traditionally, money has been viewed as a medium of exchange, facilitating transactions and trade. Salt was a medium of exchange too. The word salary comes from the Latin "Salarium" being "Sal" the Latin word for salt. Soldiers in the Roman army were sometimes paid with salt instead of money. Their monthly allowance was called "Salarium."?

Sadly in our society, money symbolizes more than just a means of exchange. It embodies the values and beliefs of individuals and society at large. The accumulation of wealth can serve as a symbol of success, power, and status. Financial prosperity is often equated with personal achievement and social recognition in many cultures.?

In reality, money is merely a tool that enables the exchange of goods and services, allowing individuals to meet their needs and desires. I want to introduce an alternative lens through which to perceive money, emphasizing its symbolic and psychological dimensions. I advocate for a shift in our perception of wealth and its association with self-worth.

The Illusion of Wealth

In our materialistic world, wealth accumulation often intertwines one's sense of self. The possession of money can create a false sense of security and happiness, fostering arrogance that seeks validation through material possessions. This attachment to wealth and the arrogance it feeds can lead to a cycle of never-ending desires, reinforcing the illusion that money is the ultimate measure of success.

Having money isn't a permanent stage. It is so dynamic that it becomes a race by itself. Using money to improve our lives and help others is excellent. Using money to believe it makes you better falsely is the first step to losing it.

Detaching from Material Wealth

Shift your mindset, prioritizing personal growth, genuine connections, and contributing to the greater good. Introspection, self-reflection, and cultivating a humble perspective that values experiences, relationships, and personal fulfillment over the pursuit of monetary gain are roads that could lead to happiness.

One needs to learn to be happy with or without money. In this "Instagram reality," many people become obsessed with money to compete and compare higher than others. Before you learn this the hard way, once you get a yacht and jet, believe me, you will meet someone with a bigger yacht and jet.?

Redefining Success

Success should be redefined beyond the confines of financial wealth. True success lies in finding purpose, living authentically, and positively impacting the world. This new definition shifts the focus from external markers of success to internal fulfillment, personal growth, and contributing to the betterment of society.

Money as a Tool, Not an End

Rather than viewing money as an end, it should be seen as a means to an end. A tool enabling individuals to pursue their passions, support their well-being and contribute to society. When money is detached from the arrogance-driven pursuit of wealth, it can be harnessed as a force for good, promoting positive change and enabling individuals to create a meaningful and purposeful life.

Money grants us the freedom to make choices in our lives. It opens doors to education, travel, and personal growth, allowing us to explore and expand our horizons. When we use money wisely, ensuring it aligns with our values positively changes our lives and the world around us. It promotes mindful consumption and mindful investment, ensuring that we make choices that benefit both ourselves and society at large.


Look beyond the materialistic pursuit of wealth and reevaluate your priorities. Money represents more than just a medium of exchange. The way how we use money also symbolizes our values, self-worth, and the choices we make. By pursuing wealth as a tool, not an end, we can redefine success, prioritize personal growth, and use the money to enrich our lives and positively impact the world. Ultimately, understanding the true essence of money empowers us to lead more fulfilling and meaningful lives.

Money has the power to connect people and foster collaboration. Money is a tool for collective progress. When we recognize that our financial resources can be utilized to support causes, projects, and initiatives that promote social justice, environmental sustainability, and community development, we move away from a self-centered approach and embrace a more inclusive mindset.

What Color is your expensive car?

Money should never be a measure of our self-worth. Our value lies in our authenticity, kindness, and positive impact on others. While financial stability is essential, it should not be the sole determinant of our worth. We can find fulfillment beyond economic achievements by embracing our unique talents, nurturing relationships, and cultivating a genuine connection with ourselves and others.

Don't show me the money. Share it!

I am not suggesting you give up money and live without it. I have made money, and I have worked hard to earn it. I explain that your "Why you pursue money" should align with your priorities and always be in check. With effort and consistency, the results always come. Money always comes. Once you have the money, don't show it to me. You can use it to help others. That's the best way to make more money. Ask any philanthropist. We will all tell you the same.

#MoneyPerspective #TrueWealth #RedefineSuccess #HumbleEgo #MoneyMatters #BeyondMaterialism #PurposefulLiving #MoneyAsATool #PrioritizeValues #PositiveImpact #MindfulMoney #AuthenticityMatters #SelfWorth #CollectiveProgress #ShareTheWealth #FulfillingLives #MoneyAndMeaning #InclusiveMindset #PrioritiesMatter #BeyondFinancialAchievements #MakeMoneyForGood



