What are Mom's Humanitarian Factors?

What are Mom's Humanitarian Factors?

Would you approve this Mother? She has four sons all new permanent residents living in Canada. They were admitted based on the FSW program. She also has three Grandchildren all Canadians. Mother (Ann) and her husband came to Canada for one of their sons weddings. All of Mom's (Ann) immediate family reside legally in Canada. Shortly after they arrived her husband (Tom) of 39 years dies. (Tom) is buried in Mississauga and Ann visits Tom's grave once every week.

You are suppose to be arguing that Mom (Ann) is affected by A 3(1) (d) reunification of family in Canada. Her 4 sons tried three times to obtain an (ITA) invitation to apply for the P/GP draws and were not succesful. An H&C application was their only chance to keep Mom in Canada.

Then section 3 (1) (f) to support, by means of consistent standards and prompt processing, the attainment of immigration goals established by the Government of Canada in consultation with the provinces;

As well 3 (1) (f.1) ?to maintain, through the establishment of fair and efficient procedures, the integrity of the Canadian immigration system;

Let us look closer at these three sectiona of the IRCC immigration Act!

A 3 1) (d) Mother (Ann) clearly meets the category of "reunification of family in Canada" with all of her immediate family (four sons) living in Canada she meets this section! Telling this Mom she can't visit her husbands grave once a week should be unusual and undeserved hardship.

A 3 (1) (f) What "consistent standards, what "prompt processing"?" Can you tell me what "consistent standards" immigration is talking about? Would it mean it is the same consistent standard in processing times as other Family Class applications? InLand spousal sponsorship is 14 months and Outland is 16 months. P/GP processing is 36 months. When has IRCC ever had "prompt processing" Can you compare 3 years of P/GP processing applications compared with dependent child sponsorship applications?

A 3 (1) (f.1) This section states that immigration must have "consistent standards ". ?Users should not have to wonder whether different words, situations, or actions mean the same thing. How often does IRCC change their forms and procedures. Then this secyion refers to "prompt processing". I need to know what does IRCC consider to be "prompt processing"?


Roy Kellogg


[email protected]


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