What is Mommy Mall SA?
Mommy Mall South Africa is our country's first and only peer to peer trade platform where moms buy from moms exclusively. The purpose of this platform is to get mothers to spend money that they would have spent at big retail stores with each other. The project is an entrepreneur to entrepreneur sales and advertising platform that fully operates on Facebook.
"A subscribed directory with a free trade platform on social media."
Mothers choose to buy everything from soap, gifts, clothing and home decor from each other instead of from big retailers. In doing so the money goes back into the pocket of mothers, financially empowering them to better educate, clothe and feed their children.
"Find everything you need at Mommy Mall, even professional services."
Over the past 4 years mothers have also started offering professional and business services on the platform and an estimated R7 000 000 has changed hands between mothers.
Addressing Unemployment
In South Africa there is a high percentage of unemployment and Mommy Mall offers support for small business start up, growth, sustainability and longevity. Moreover, the platform offers emotional support and encouragement. All mothers of all ages may participate in Mommy Mall.
Who stands to benefit?
Mommy Mall was set up to benefit any mother entrepreneur, whether an artist, baker or mid sized business owner. It has proven to be especially beneficial for single mothers. In South Africa divorce rates are as high as 66%, leaving every 2 out of 3 mothers a single mom.
"Our children are going to bed hungry."
Furthermore, our children are suffering as a result of the cost of education and the cost of living. Mommy Mall SA is empowering mothers financially to better look after their families and to provide a better upbringing and future for their children.
"Mommy Mall always aspires to uplift and support mother entrepreneurs!"
"Mommy Mall, in essence was designed to send more kids to bed at night with full bellies. It is succeeding in its goal and has had a tremendous economic impact since I founded it in 2014." Says Naomi Butow, Founder.
If you have any questions feel free to visit the help page www.mommymallsa.co.za/help or send an email to moms@mommymallsa.co.za
Share this article with a mom! And even better pop in at www.mommymallsa.co.za to shop! Any person may buy from our mother entrepreneurs! Support the moms of SA - they are raising the next generation of our beautiful country!
How to join Mommy Mall:
1. Mother entrepreneurs may list their businesses on the directory at www.mommymallsa.co.za/join
2. This entitles you to 2400+ FREE adverts a year on our 17 Facebook groups (3 adverts per group x 52 weeks a year).
There is a Mommy Mall Trade group in every city and region in SA.
(View www.facebook.com/mommymallsa and click on the "groups" tab to see all groups.)
Mommy Mall have a business advice group called "Mommy Mall Advice -Business and Resources" - any mom may join and benefit!