What Mobile Phones, GPUs, and Quantum Computing mean for AI
Over the last few months, I've have the chance look broadly at the Artificial Intelligence space, and I'm convinced that its time has FINALLY come. Here is the reason:
1. Deep Neural Nets - FINALLY an Artificial Intelligence algorithm that is in human grasps, and can run even on mobile phones.
2. Video & Audio data streamed off of Mobile - FINALLY a data set that is large and mostly tagged
3. Quantum computing + GPUs - FINALLY new hardware technology that can be use to quickly train deep neural networks
4. Image, Video, and text AI - FINALLY a killer app that needs 1,2,3 to implement that everyone wants (Augmented Reality, Chat bots, etc)
I've had the chance to talk to D-Wave (Quantum Computer) and Bitfusion (GPU clustering) about these advancements, and I'm totally giddy. Model training has been always the bain of AI, but having computers that can operate 10^8 times faster than a single core processor is just totally incredible.
What the world needs is a killer demo. It would look something like this:
1. A mobile app that is doing real-time video recognition, and lets users correct/tag the images as they are being classified by a neural net running on the phone.
2. A cloud app that is receiving realtime image streams from the entire world, along with metadata to which images were correctly / incorrectly classified
3. A Quantum or GPU Based computer that is tweaking the neural network deployed to the various phones around the world.
That would be a killer product - Wait. Sounds like Google Photos......... Sounds like Tesla's self driving cars ......... I guess the future is already here !