what is missing is the ability to "LOVE" ourselves, each other and all thoughts around us without judging them one way or another.

I was cooking tonight and thinking about the state of our country and world right now. As I though I realized that what is missing is the ability to "LOVE" ourselves, each other and all thoughts around us without judging them one way or another. You see love is an emotion that doesn't require us to judge but to except just what we see and how we feel about that person. There is a connection that we experience unlike no other and it touches our heart and draws us closer to that person in away that we don't always truly understand. The more we spend time to get closer we experience a need to connected to that person. As time goes on we build a love that takes over our mind and soul. It can be a little frightening but the connection becomes overwhelming and exciting. It draws us closer and closer if we don't become afraid and try to resist. That is where we are today spending too much time resisting the feelings and connection. As though they are harmful or deadly to our life. We have learned to protect those natural feelings and keep pushing them down and not allowing them to be shared. So because we are human beings we have chosen to just suffer and not experience "LOVE" in its purest form. Too much of this leads to a constant sadness, lack of one of the most importance emotions that we need to enjoy our life and push through everything that comes our way. The love of our partner, children, family, and friends. Once we connect to them then we can create and build more connections to those around us without resistance. Every human being must have a foundation of love that comes easy without any resistance or reluctance to do so. That is called freedom to experience life and all it has to offer.





MS. Kathy S.Robinson, Turner的更多文章

