What is misinformation?

What is misinformation?

Newsletter objectives

Thought-Provoking Thursday is the email newsletter from Top Tier Coaching Services. The objective of this email newsletter is two-fold:

  1. We want to make you think! That’s right! We present semi-controversial issues from a mostly neutral position and ask you to think it through. You may agree or disagree, but you will definitely learn something every single week. Whether you agree with our take or not, we hope it will force you to think. Dialogues are welcome as long as they are kept civil and on topic. No personal attacks or you get blocked.
  2. Teach you about how to grow your business. If you are a virtual assistant, social media manager, and/or digital product creator, these tips are going to help you immensely. The focus here is on value.

What is “Misinformation”?

Misinformation. It is a popular word these days. Have you bothered to consider what it really means?

Misinformation means different things to different people. In general, society has framed misinformation in a way that says “I don’t agree with this, so it is misinformation.”?

This is a very dangerous way to look at it. Just look at the pandemic’s history to see what I mean.

Things that were thought to be conspiracy theories (ie. misinformation) turned out to be true.?

So how do we determine misinformation?

The same way any civil discourse is handled. You debate the points. You present evidence. You examine all the evidence. You come to a conclusion about the veracity of the information.

It truly is that simple.

We don’t need a misinformation board.

We don’t need social media to ban people for misinformation.

Instead, we need to engage in civil discourse.

By doing so, we make each other think and we are forced to prove our side of the argument/discussion.

Only with this type of exercise can we truly weed out misinformation.

To me, misinformation is something that has no evidence to back it up OR has insufficient evidence to back it up.

It is not about agreeing or disagreeing.

I disagree with plenty of things that are not misinformation.

Next time you want to proclaim something as misinformation, ask yourself if you’ve vetted the idea at all? If not, get to work!

Top 5 Reasons Virtual Assistants Should Establish Business Credit

Too many business owners and virtual assistants are using their personal credit to finance the launch, expansion, or growth of their business. A majority of business owners have no idea what business is or how to establish it. By following a few simple steps any business owner can establish business credit, therefore, separating their personal credit from their business credit.?

When business owners use a personal credit card to pay for business expenses, the debt of the business reports back to their personal credit reports which lower their scores because their business debts hurt their personal debt to income ratio.?

To help prevent business owners from damaging their personal credit, every business owner should follow the simple steps of establishing business credit. By establishing business credit the debt of the business will report to the business credit le and not the personal credit le. Establishing business credit will also help the business build a strong business credit le so loans and lines of credit won't require the business owner to sign a personal guarantee.?

Here are just a few reasons why every business owner should establish business credit.

1. Establish credibility. You can't expect to walk into a bank and ask for a business loan with no business credit or business history. By establishing a good business credit prole you will be able to secure the financing for your business needs.?

2. If your business should fail, you would still be legally responsible if you used your personal credit to finance your business?

3. Saving money. That's right, business credit rates are typically lower than personal credit rates. A few percentage points in interest mean thousands of dollars in the long run Too Many business owners are using their personal credit to finance the launch, expansion, or growth of their business. A majority of business owners have no idea what business is or how to establish it. By following a few simple steps any business owner can establish business credit, therefore, separating their personal credit from their business credit.?

4. Float your business through tough times. Even though everything is going great currently, you never know when your company will take a turn for the worse or when economic times might change. By establishing business credit you will be prepared for the downtime.?

5. Get the money you need. Let's face it, without the money you need to finance the launch or expansion of your business you really won't be in business at all. Don't make the mistake of using your personal finances to finance your business.

There are many, many more reasons why you should establish business credit. We have all heard the saying, "keep business expenses separate from personal expenses," right? The only way to do that is to set up your business properly in the first place by establishing business credit.?


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