What is a Miracle
What is a miracle?
I just found out through a series of tests that the left side of my heart is 100% blocked. That doesn’t sound very good. This is a problem which requires open-heart bypass surgery to correct - with numerous risks and possible outcomes. Except, in my case, the heart created it’s own bypass. This was done without causing a heart attack or stroke. It was done without me even knowing. And, although it isn’t perfect, it supplies enough blood to the left side to keep the heart working. What are the chances, what are the odds, that it just happens? How did the heart become blocked and still function while the bypass was being created - without heart failure or some other nasty effect? Through all of it, to my knowledge and backed by many, many results of “perfect heart rhythms” and “textbook EKG”, my heart never missed a beat…
Also, the right side is at least 50% blocked. I was told how “lucky” I am that i’m still even alive. Do you believe in luck? If it was not the work of God, if it was not a miracle, then I suppose there are no such things as miracles. But if God does miracles, sometimes without us even knowing, then this is most certainly a miracle. It is, because I was told “you should have been dead a thousand times”. You see, this is not my first knowledge of escaping death by miraculous means. It is not even the second or third. All I can say is “PRAISE GOD from whom all blessings flow!” If you do not believe in the power of God, that He answers prayer, and that He even exists, maybe you should rethink your position.