What mindset should you have in 2025? Your AI assistant’s book recommendation might hold the answer
What mindset should you have in 2025? Your AI assistant’s book recommendation might hold the answer

What mindset should you have in 2025? Your AI assistant’s book recommendation might hold the answer

What is the first book you’ve read in 2025? If you’re unsure, perhaps your AI assistant can help!

My AI assistant recommended The Myth of Sisyphus, a philosophical essay by French writer Albert Camus.

In Greek mythology, Sisyphus, the son of Aeolus, the god of wind, angered Zeus and was condemned to an eternal punishment. Each day, he was forced to push a boulder up a mountain, only for it to roll back down just before reaching the summit?—?an endless cycle of monotonous and seemingly futile labour.

Logically, one might expect Sisyphus to fall into despair from such an unrelenting and purposeless task.

But one day, as Sisyphus descended the mountain to begin again, the goddess of love passed by and noticed him smiling and in high spirits. Surprised, she asked, “How can you be so happy while doing something so repetitive and dull?”

With excitement, Sisyphus pointed to a beautiful flower in his hand and replied, “Look! I found this on the mountainside. Isn’t it wonderful?”

Sisyphus pushed the boulder endlessly, knowing it would never stay at the top, yet the mountain paths he traversed, the flowers he picked, and the fresh air he breathed were all real and tangible gifts. These moments were not in vain.

Isn’t life the same? It’s a tapestry woven from daily moments?—?our joys and sorrows, frustrations and happiness, triumphs and setbacks, all intertwined. If we focus solely on distant, seemingly unreachable goals and rush through life, we risk overlooking the quiet beauty that blooms along the way.

In 2025, let us fully embrace each moment with intention and cultivate inner peace. Let’s not miss the countless small surprises that are uniquely ours to discover. Let our hearts grow soft and sensitive, shedding unnecessary vigilance around us and embracing every aspect of life.

Together, let’s live this year with a sense of serenity and fulfillment.

Video version

Anna Auyang

Certified Cantonese Interpreter

3 周

Very helpful

Alexander Aleksashev-Arno

TECHNOLOGY STAND FOR HUMANITY???? HUMANS | Innovations | Philanthropy | Culture | Diversity & Inclusion | Sustainability | Сonsulting

1 个月


Benita Lee

Helping multinationals navigate the ever-changing international landscape of regulations & risk management in trade compliance.

1 个月

You inspired me to ask GPT what books I should read in 2025. It came up with good ones. Thanks for sharing this story. Happy Lunar New year!



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