What is Mindfulness all about?!
Shaun Beck
??Inspiring passion & igniting action in individuals, teams and businesses??
Mindfulness is about being fully present in the moment and being aware of your emotions, thoughts and state of mind. You can read a load of books and find so much information online, but often I hear that people just want to start off with some super simple basics.
5 Simple Basics of Mindfulness to get you started:
1. Make some quiet time. There’s no need for special equipment or tools to get started. You just need to set aside some time and private space. Start off with just 10-15 minutes a day.
2. Observe the present moment as it really is. Sit quietly and start to pay attention to what you are feeling and thinking in the present moment. Pay attention to your senses, what can you feel, hear, smell and see?
3. Let judgments go. It’s natural to start thinking about judgements, opinions and probably your to do list! Just make a mental note of it and let it go. Don’t focus on what the thought is but just acknowledge it and focus on your senses again.
4. Persevere. Your mind will naturally go off on a tangent and you will get carried away with your thoughts! The practice of mindfulness is to recognise when this is happening and keep coming back to focusing on the present moment.
5. Don’t be too hard on yourself. We all have thoughts! Distractions will happen but the more you practice the more you will learn to acknowledge that your mind has wandered and quickly bring it back.
Simple but not always easy. The more you practice the easier it will become. You’ll be amazed at the difference it brings to your patience, quality of sleep, anxiety, mood, effectiveness, mindset and productivity! Give it a go!
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