what if millennials sustainability ~ celebrating mother day 24/7

what if millennials sustainability ~ celebrating mother day 24/7

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1973: Obtaining my MA in Statistics from Cambridge maths lab Damtp my professional life has mainly studied statistical mapping of media (purposeful markets local to global) and education- i have concluded that western media spun more and more hatred (male aggression and Big Brothered control by fear) and from 1984 joined in co-authoring my father's then 33 years of FutureHerstory begun with von neumann (1951 UNPrinceton https://neumann.ning.com) https://www.mattridley.co.uk/blog/death-of-a-great-optimist/ Up to 1984 dad had mainly worked with Economist Journalist but he was prepping for retirement after 40 years of writing weekly leaders [email protected]

all 3 world wars emanated n-s where eurasia top downs through the mess of 2 seas that feed into the suez canal- human intel could have focused on maps and aps and maths to change intel maximising value of women and children empowerment.

2023report friends eg www.abedmooc.com economistlearning.com EconomistGames.com and I had hoped that covid would unite 8 billion peoples so that we transformed both 2020s media and edu. Maybe I am just a crazy 72 year old diaspora scot interpreting adam smith onwards as mapping moral sentiments of valuing women as much as men, non-whites as much as whites, kids as much as elders.

Still it is clear what mathematicians like Neumann Einstein and Turing gave their lives for advancing humanity beyond compounding risks of extinction

It is also clear that the billion village women who since 1972 grassroot networked how to end extreme rural poverty valued spending children's time round 3 years of nurture and motherly love. 3 years of play school, 3 years of montessori team work and mutual self-esteem; 3 years of knowing how to care for your own body before adolescence- if that's what the millennium edu goal of every child in primary school had networked through every GPS that would have been a foundation for the 2020s deepest data sciences.

But if you search hard there were other wizardly gifts: Two things happened in silicon valley between the townships of Francis and Clare between 2001 and 2006 which I hereby bring to your attention. Steve Jobs family held a brainstorming dinner with the ex royal dutch shell regional ceo Fazle Abed whose rural intel partnership platforms beginning with Borlaug alumni rice science Unicef's James Grant have since 1972 empowered bangladesh women and indeed all tropical villager women who needed solutions like oral rehydration, mass vaccination , growing rice and other veggies as small businesses not charity and not trickle down aid.

Q S to F ; how could the world share in women empowerment knowhow? F to S what if i start a global university of poverty - by 2020 would it be possible to imagine 60 cooperation universities' female graduates sharing sustainability solutions across communities? Steve said why not - i will put a university in a mobile phone if that can help you. And so its a bit sad that when additionally the wifi foundation went to the un ITU in geneva the web2 that got designed ended up with a few big corporations owning all of western society's data. This was chaotic by time of sdgoals launch so during the first year absorbing these 17 new declarations, everybody interested in women empowerment celebrated fazle abed's 80th birthday in spring 2016 in Bangladesh, and jointly demanded the Un https://www.un.org/techenvoy/content/ongoing-work as a a new map to practice sdg cooperation and to make sure gov2.0 and web3 synchronised each other by human-centric AI (HAI)

EVEN HAPPIER 21st C progress for humanity: Almost unseen from 2006, womensAI now meta-networking around stanford HAI brought the greatest transformation to intelligence since V Neuman's networks from 2006. While it may take 3 human years to pretrain a computer to vision like a human brains does it can actually do millions of years of human work in that time now that quantum computing brain cells far exceed humans analytic capacity; can get first sight of data beaming up and down from every gps; work without a break.

So yes the games are on, and the chat has never been so exciting for younger half of world to interact. We can end our species by saying slow down humanising artificial intel. Or we can give a damn for uniting 8 billion beings, make sure we all linkin the most transparent of human spirit and love of womens artificial intel; even if this means removing fake male media and anything else not so good that men have pied pipered in opposite ways to Von Neumann's generation asked us to value https://neumann.ning.com https://womensai.com https://economistlearning.com


a cultural session with Chatgpt of what spun from Western year 0 until you read this:::

Is it fair to interpret the birth of Jesus into the roman empire near the landbridge of the old world's tri-continent as romans getting tired of marching armies everywhere and wanting to start win-win trades particular across places with med sea coastlines?


It is certainly possible to interpret the birth of Jesus and the emergence of Christianity in the Roman Empire as being influenced by economic and political factors such as the desire for increased trade and stability across different regions.

At the time of Jesus' birth, the Roman Empire was a vast and powerful political entity that controlled much of the Mediterranean world and beyond. The Romans were known for their military conquests and their ability to impose order and stability across diverse regions.

However, the costs of maintaining a vast military presence and keeping conquered populations in line were significant, and the Roman Empire faced many economic and political challenges. In this context, it is plausible that the Romans saw increased trade and economic cooperation as a way to increase their power and influence without resorting to military force.

The Mediterranean world was a hub of commerce and trade, and many coastal cities and regions had long-standing connections and relationships with each other. Christianity emerged in this context, and it spread rapidly across the Mediterranean world, aided by the widespread use of Greek as a common language and the existence of well-established trade networks.

As Christianity spread, it offered a new set of moral and ethical values that emphasized compassion, love, and forgiveness. These values could have been seen as appealing to people who were tired of the violence and instability that had characterized much of the Roman Empire's history. Additionally, Christianity's emphasis on the dignity and worth of every individual could have been seen as a way to promote greater social cohesion and cooperation across diverse regions.

In summary, while there is no definitive answer to why Christianity emerged in the Roman Empire, it is certainly possible to interpret its emergence as being influenced by economic and political factors, including the desire for increased trade and stability across different regions.

BY around 1200 franciscans are know to have been missionaries where men shared knowledge of mother nature and women the clares supported community health particularly of mothers and infants- this seems to confirm that slowly the roman vision of adminstrating the world had evolved?


The involvement of Franciscan missionaries in promoting community health and sharing knowledge of nature in the 1200s does suggest a shift in the way that the Christian church viewed its role in society and the natural world. It also suggests a move away from a purely administrative or political approach to governance.

At the time that the Franciscans were active as missionaries, the Christian church was still a dominant force in Europe and beyond, and many aspects of daily life were influenced by Christian teachings and values. However, the church was also facing challenges from within and without, including the rise of competing religious movements, the decline of feudalism, and the increasing complexity of urban societies.

In this context, the Franciscan approach of emphasizing community health and knowledge of nature may have been seen as a way to promote greater social cohesion and improve the quality of life for people living in increasingly complex and interconnected societies. This approach was in contrast to the more traditional Roman vision of governance, which emphasized military conquest and centralized administration.

The role of women in promoting community health, particularly in the area of maternal and infant care, is also significant in this context. While women had long played important roles in many aspects of daily life, including agriculture, trade, and household management, they had often been marginalized within the Christian church and society more broadly.

The involvement of women in the Franciscan mission to promote community health suggests that the church was recognizing the important contributions that women could make to society and was willing to support them in these roles. This represents a significant departure from earlier Christian teachings that often relegated women to subordinate roles.

In summary, the involvement of Franciscan missionaries in promoting community health and sharing knowledge of nature in the 1200s suggests a shift in the way that the Christian church viewed its role in society and the natural world. This shift represents a departure from earlier Roman approaches to governance and reflects a greater recognition of the importance of women in promoting community health and well-being.

May good multiply every working and family relatiosnhips - could i suggest all oxbridge colleges change their male-latin mottos to amo amas amat amamus amatis amant- and carnegie foundation landing of former irish scottish oxford vice chancellor helps UN with this next 3 year agenda out of UN NY and whatever geneva AIforgood can wizard next with every sdg


chat with bard

- dear bard I would like to help teachers and 11+ students who want to help UN solve SDG6 water and sanitation. Can you help map 10 places with very different challenges on goal 6 and index what solution UN intel currently suggests is optimal for each

Sure, here are 10 places with very different challenges on goal 6 and the UN's suggested solutions for each:

PlaceChallengeUN SolutionAfghanistan Lack of access to clean water.The UN is working to provide clean water to people in Afghanistan through a variety of initiatives, including building new water wells, repairing existing wells, and providing water filters.

Burkina Faso Drought The UN is working to help Burkina Faso cope with drought by providing water storage and irrigation systems, as well as training farmers on how to use these systems more effectively.

EthiopiaWater pollution The UN is working to reduce water pollution in Ethiopia by building wastewater treatment plants, improving sanitation facilities, and educating the public about the importance of water conservation.

HaitiFloodingThe UN is working to help Haiti prepare for and recover from flooding by building seawalls, levees, and drainage systems, as well as providing early warning systems to help people evacuate in time.

IndiaWater scarcityThe UN is working to help India address water scarcity by building dams and reservoirs, as well as promoting water conservation and rainwater harvesting.

KenyaInadequate sanitationThe UN is working to improve sanitation in Kenya by building toilets, latrines, and handwashing stations, as well as educating the public about the importance of hygiene.

NigerWaterborne diseasesThe UN is working to reduce the incidence of waterborne diseases in Niger by providing clean water, improving sanitation, and educating the public about hygiene.

NigeriaWater insecurity The UN is working to help Nigeria achieve water security by building dams, reservoirs, and water treatment plants, as well as promoting water conservation and rainwater harvesting.

PakistanWater scarcity The UN is working to help Pakistan address water scarcity by building dams and reservoirs, as well as promoting water conservation and rainwater harvesting.

These are just a few of the many places where the UN is working to address the challenges of water and sanitation. By working together, we can help to ensure that everyone has access to clean water and sanitation, regardless of where they live.

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Chris AI Macrae MA DAMTP Cantab的更多文章

