

Like your phone or computer, we, humans also have default settings.

Yet we, generally, are totally un-aware of them.

As, once again, we are coming to the end of another year and soon everyone will be talking about New Years Resolutions.

Let me explain a theory I've come up with, it is called, obviously Default Settings.

Everyone, I would assume, wants to be happy, healthy, reasonably wealthy, have good relationships, and be fairly good at what we do.

Would you agree?

I'm sure you've all heard the phrase, "Failing to plan, is planning to fail"

Let's take health, to start with:

If you want to he healthy, what does that mean to you?

  1. How much do you weigh?

2. What's your fat percentage, this is more important than weight.

Years ago I found an article that said 1kg above your maximum cuts between 3 months and 3 years off your life.

3. How much water do you drink?

1lt for every 25kg of weight.

4. How many minutes of exercise do you do, daily / weekly / monthly?

The point is, if you don't have a plan to be "Healthy" whatever that means for you, you are planning, by Default, to be sick.

I hear a lot about Happiness and how to be happy.

BS, happiness is a Decision, it has NOTHING to do with outside forces, if you are always counting on external stimuli to make you happy, never going to work, sorry.

Want to be happy, decide to be grateful for what you have, not un-happy for what you don't have.

If you have:

a. A roof over your head.

b. Clothes on your back.

c. Money in your pocket, no matter how much or how little,

Just these three things puts you ahead of >60% of the worlds population.

d. Running water.

e. Food in your fridge.

These 5 things put you ahead of 75% of the world.

Let's look at Wealthy.

In 1903, when John D. Rockefeller instigated the General Education Board, (GEB) one of the things taken out of the scholastics system was Financial Education.

And he wrote at the time, "I do not want a nation of thinkers, I want a nation of workers"

More on that, in another article.

David Bach, in his book "The Automatic Millionaire" he was a millionaire at 30 and a multi-millionaire at 35, says there are 6 states people end up in by the time they retire.

  1. Dead-broke.

This is simple and easy to attain, "spend everything you make and get into debt, when you retire you'll be Dead-broke.

2. Poor / Penniless.

This is also relatively easy, just spend everything you make, don't get into debt, but money comes in, money goes out, simple.

The above two are >95% of the population.

3. Have enough money to get by.

Get by means you don't need assistance, but if walking your poodle around your block is your idea of fun great.

To be able to "Get By" you need to Save and Invest betweeny

4. You can be Rich.

To be "Rich" you need to Save & Invest between 5% and 10% of everything that comes in.

5. You can be "Wealthy"

To be "Wealthy" you need to Save & Invest between 10% and 20% of everything that comes in.

6. You can be "Super Wealthy"

Save and Invest 20% to 30% of everything.

If you do NOT have a plan to one of the last four, then by default you are planning to be one of the first 2, it's your Default.

As most of us never sit down with our partners / spouse / kids, and define what a really good relationship looks like.

We end up having an "average" relationship, it the default.

And lastly, if we don't set a goal to be really good at what we do, by upgrading our skill on a daily basis, they we end up being average at what we do.

And when disruption happens, average people are let go first.

For those of you who are "hoping" for things to get better, here's a wake up call.

We are now in the equivalent of the Wall St. crash of 1929, but this time it is world-wide, it is NOT going away any time soon.

So, what's your plan to defeat your "Default Setting"

What qualifies me to talk about this?

By the age of 23 I'd circumnavigated the world . . . . . twice.

I've traveled to 50 plus countries on six continents and lived in 10.

Over the past 22 years I've listened to >10,000 hours of audios, from millionaires to billionaires

Invested >6,000 hours reading thousands of books / articles, doing research, and flying halfway around the globe to learn from the best.

As a Corporate Trainer I've trained Senior Management of over 30 different subjects.

As an Exec / Business Coach & Consultant I've helped numerous companies increase revenues and profitability.

If you are looking to break free of your "Default Settings" DM me and lets setup at gratis 45 minute virtual coffee.

You can book at bit.ly/strat45

I wish you all a Merry Christmas and A Prosperous New Year.

Sabia Afzar

Mira Developments - Masterminds of Branded Home Design. A private luxury Developer who is elevating Lifestyles and Redefining Luxury through their iconic collection of Branded Residences.

2 年

Nobody in life plans these events to happen. You can put certain strategies in place to try and avoid them, but external forces can change the outcome.


Mike Patterson Profit Improvement Specialist的更多文章

