There is a lot of buzz around "micro-moments" and how consumers use these 150 moments a day to purchase, research, and discover!
I could put on my #mommymode hat and share personal anecdotes about how to juggle the never-ending to-do list and be more productive. Instead, I’m going to put my #workmode hat and share some free advice that we use with our clients.
What are Micro-Moments?
Micro-moments occur when people reflexively turn to a mobile device. These high-intent moments are when preferences are shaped, and decisions are made. The more brands can maximize these windows of opportunity, the more likely to increase conversions, sales, and revenue.
People spend an average of 4.7 hours each day on their smartphones to receive content, ads, offers, emails, texts, tweets, push notifications and everything else imaginable.
Just a few years ago, brands needed to reach a consumer eight times (on average) before a purchase was made. Now…the customer journey is a combination of micro-moments across all channels, devices and with all different types of intent. We have reached the point of "content shock" where consumers cannot consume any more content than they already are.
So what should you do?
SHORT ANSWER. Offering a series of short, clear interactions that add value or help the consumer to research and self-educate drives the most revenue, lead generation and positive brand sentiment.
LONG ANSWER. Make micro-moments part of your marketing strategy in these five steps:
1. Change from reactive to proactive. Instead of pushing features & benefits - pull customers to you by providing value. For example, consumers are actively looking for inspiration and ideas—at all times, on a wide variety of topics. This means that each interaction should offer something of value, whether it is insights, knowledge, or even offers, discounts or exclusive experiences.
2. Change to consumer mindset. What might lead a customer to your product or service? What do they need to know in that moment? Are they looking for information by date, location, category, price, reviews, or helpful content?
3. Ask questions. Conducting short, simple online surveys is one of the best ways to understand exactly what people need and expect. Ask your consumers how to capture their attention. Be straightforward about it and provide the value they seek.
4. Use breadcrumbs. Giant global brands are good at creating content for “big” moments plus sustaining efforts. However, most businesses are smaller and need to focus on the little steps that lead the way. For example, rather than building an entire campaign around one event to make a big splash.... build an integrated campaign that is going to last with consistency over an entire year
5. Quantity over quality. Since it all starts with content that delivers value and can be consumed quickly — you don’t need runway level production. You need to embrace the idea that you have a few seconds to capture the attention of your consumer with a clear and concise message. You’ll need a lot of content that is relevant and of personal interest to each individual
If you haven’t headed down the micro-moment road yet with a plan for mobile and social media content, now’s the time to start.