This is what MHMP's are for !!= Taking responsibility for our own physical, mental & emotional HEALTH
The medical model of last 100 years has been 'out of touch' - We the patient do relinquish our responsibility, our freedom and decision making ability.
When pain 'arrives' to our body...we run to the doctor, pharmacy, psychologist, or psychiatrists, or others.
When we have our time in front of the chosen 'medical professional' we ask them... "Dr Please-fix-me", "We may even insist that we need or want a medication to alleviate the problem" ???
And then?
We have just given away our power and sense of responsibility; and of course the professional retains it, for subsequent visits and Medicare card usage or 'gap' charges or any other deal made with them.
In 15 years my psychiatrist never rang me to ask: "ARE YOU OK"? By the way, this overused short-legged question must be replaced by something more specific (not so vague) like:
Last but not least: your story, pain, or whatever is going on between your head and your heart!
Enrique TOPO Rodriguez [30 years managing my own 'mental health' with the help of 'the professionals'. I've been accompanied by many 'ups and downs' and always ONE MORE UP! - Here I am to-be-counted - Therefore, I recommend to everyone (sane or ill) to design your own personalised Mental Health Management Plan. A mental health maintenance, just like car that needs a 'service' after so any kilometres!!!
This solution I propose and recommend, is none other than a "Patient-Centric-Approach"...which is badly needed in this 21st Century...
BALL IN YOUR COURT Honourable MR GREG HUNT MP (and boss) Honourable Mr Scott Morrison PM