What Are The Methods Of Printing On #AcrylicDisplays?
When we produce and develop #counterdisplays with #acrylic, our customers always ask the following questions:
I want to print some patterns or some text on the #displayprops, how i can make it?
The following are some common methods:
UV printing
It is common, bright colors, multi-colors, and gradients are suitable.?This process uses special ink and an ultraviolet light source for printing. This method can produce high-resolution images and text and is very durable. This technique is suitable for signs and images that need to be printed on acrylic surfaces for long-term use.
Screen printing
Use a silkscreen as a plate base, and through the photographic plate-making method, made with graphics screen printing plate
Color registration is a high technical requirement. Color will be more stable, but not a gradual change, #screenprinting cost is low, and #UVprinting comparison: UV printing may appear to hit the mark
Thermal transfer printing?
A color pattern or image printed on special #thermaltransferpaper, and then transfer the pattern or image to the acrylic surface through heat pressure, printed on a film, and then affixed to the acrylic surface technology. This method is suitable for products that require multiple patterns and images to be printed on the acrylic surface.
Each of these processes has its own advantages, disadvantages, and scope of application, and the choice of which method depends on your actual needs and budget.
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