What is method overloading?
Hello Everyone????
What is method overloading?
Method overloading is the polymorphism technique that allows us to create multiple methods with the same name but different signature. Method overloading in Java occurs when a class has multiple methods with the same name but different parameter lists (number, type, or order of parameters). We can achieve method overloading in the following two ways:
1)Different number of arguments
2)Different data type of arguments
Method overloading increases the readability of the program. Method overloading is performed to figure out the program quickly.
#Java #class #object #collection #exception #SpringAI #SpringBoot #framework #try #catch #throw #throws #OOPS #Java8 #lambda #functional #interface #abstract #default #static #void #main #public #protected #private #inheritance #Hibernate #ORM #Session #REST #SOAP #Git #Github #interview #method #overloading #overriding