What Is The Metaphysical Meaning of Coronavirus?

What Is The Metaphysical Meaning of Coronavirus?

Like most Americans, I spent most of my life over the past week preparing for the coronavirus, shopping for supplies, reading everything I could, adjusting my schedule.

A good friend of mine had been teaching craniosacral therapy in Wuhan, China, three weeks before Covid-19 hit in December 2019.

We were having lunch recently and I asked her all about what she had noticed. What was Wuhan like? Were the people she taught back in China still ok?

I was hoping to get a glimpse, to understand what had come before, what had happened since and what was sure to come.

As a medical intuitive healer, I empower people to see what’s going on with their bodies.

What’s going on with your physical body? How does your energy system contribute to the way you feel? What unresolved emotions have been causing your dis-ease? What thought patterns hold you back? Why did your soul call forth the challenges you are currently experiencing?

And last but not least, what will actually work to make you better?

It’s one thing to understand what’s going on with one person and it’s quite another to be confronted with a global pandemic.

I’ve been praying, meditating, reading and asking for guidance.

So here’s my current and admittedly limited understanding.

A virus is a call to change your consciousness.

My understanding – such as it is – is that anytime you contract any virus you are being called on to change your consciousness which means to re-evaluate the way you have been thinking and relating to the world around you.

In the few months since Covid-19 hit China, virtually every aspect of our lives has been affected:

Health. As much as 80 percent of the population is projected to contract the virus. Millions may lose their lives.

Money. The collapse of the bull market, businesses shutting down, workers losing jobs. The net result is less money for everyone.

Relationships. Gatherings of more than 50 people are discouraged, conventions and sports events cancelled, churches meeting online. Social distancing encouraged, interfering with our most basic need to connect with friends and loved ones.

Education. Schools and colleges moving to online classes, totally disrupting the way children have been expected to learn.

Work. Employees are being encouraged to work remotely from home.

Indeed if you look over this list you can see that we are indeed shifting our consciousness about not just one but virtually every major aspect of our lives.

This particular virus has pulled up our deepest survival fears. 

You may be asking yourself:

  • What do I need to do to protect my immune system?
  • What do I need to do to protect my money?
  • What do I need to do to protect my emotional well being?
  • What do I need to do to protect my children?
  • What do I need to do to protect my job?

I keep asking my angels, “Am I OK?” and every time I ask that question, I hear, “Yes, you are totally OK.”

I hear the reassuring words and feel comfortably certain of this truth.

And yet this begs the question, “What does it really mean to be ‘OK’?”

Because you are a soul having a human experience, you survive everything that ever happens to you until you don’t.

Perhaps as part of this larger shift of consciousness, we are learning we are not our aches, pains or diseases, we are not our bank account, we can learn to feel at peace even despite disruptions in our usual routines, that perhaps there are other ways our children need to learn or perhaps even bigger lessons than ones traditionally taught in schools and maybe the way we have been working needs to be re-tooled for the greater good.

It’s a lot! And it’s a lot all at once.

“You say you want a revolution

Well, you know

We all want to change the world

You tell me that it’s evolution

Well, you know

We all want to change the world

But when you talk about destruction

Don’t you know that you can count me out

Don’t you know it’s gonna be 

All right, all right, all right” 

The Beatles, “Revolution”

Even if you are one of the lucky 20 to 30 percent who never contracts Coronavirus, more than likely it will touch someone you deeply care about. 

I’m scheduled to celebrate my mother’s 83rd birthday with her this weekend. There’s a 14.8 percent projected death rate for people over the age of 80 who contract the virus, according to the Centers for Disease Control.

As soon as I saw the bigger picture, I began distancing myself from people who had been sick, boosting my own immune system with supplements and organic juices, avoiding the gym, large crowds and movie theaters and doing everything I can to make sure I don’t bring anything harmful to my mother.

So many of us make the mistake of thinking that your health is just about you.

When you make the effort to be as healthy as possible you actually uplift everybody around you.

At the very least, you don’t spread diseases other people would rather not suffer.

You don’t contract illnesses that could potentially devastate your family’s income or cause other people to suffer by watching you be miserable.

Although your health is about you, for sure, your health affects literally everybody around you.

You might get sick because someone in Wuhan, China, got sick in December.

Think about that for a moment.

Someone you have never met has a direct affect on your own health, your family and the well being of your entire community.

Coronavirus is teaching us in the most unavoidable way that we are actually responsible for each other. 

This particular virus affects our lungs.

You can download a FREE chart about emotions and your health from my companion blog at this link.

What are the emotions that affect your lungs?

  • Cheerfulness
  • Depression
  • False pride
  • Haughtiness
  • Humility
  • Modesty
  • Openness
  • Disdain
  • Intolerance
  • Prejudice
  • Contempt
  • Regret

That list alone will give you plenty to contemplate.

How have we as a society allowed intolerance, prejudice, contempt and false pride to get out of control?

One of the primary causes of depression is the pressure of change.

With all the changes coping with the coronavirus prompts us to make – with our health habits, money, work and school schedules – it would be very easy to feel overwhelmed with depression.

A helpful affirmation for the lung meridian is: I AM HUMBLE BEFORE THE BEAUTY AND WONDER OF THE UNIVERSE.

If I could summarize this in one word, it would be “WOW!”

We live on the most beautiful planet, full of amazing, lovable people, incredible scenery, flora and fauna, and have been incredibly blessed with the opportunity to enjoy all of it.

When we affirm our connection to all that is, we can approach all of life – including our own – with reverence and appreciation.

In this way, I believe coronavirus is teaching us to remember our true place in the universe. 

One of the unanticipated side effects of the coronavirus has been that images from space show that places where commerce has shut down have dramatically decreased air pollution. You can see the images from Italy at this link and the images from China at this link.

When I’m working with an individual, I find that when a person learns the deeper lessons behind why they got sick they are ready to let the disease go.

What if we, as a society, could come to appreciate our deeper connection to all that is, to value our place in this beautiful world and take greater responsibility for how the way we live our lives affects everyone and everything around us?

Not that I know anything about Coronavirus.

I have great respect and appreciation for the World Health Organization’s very important work on this subject as well as everything that the U.S. Centers for Disease Control is doing to keep all of us safe.

I bow to the true experts and am carefully following their advice.

What is healing? Healing happens when we humble ourselves before the beauty and wonder of the universe.

To set up an appointment for a medical intuitive reading or healing work, email catherine@catherinecarrigan.com or call 678-612-8816. If you are outside the U.S., please call via WhatsApp. I can work with you from anywhere in the world by phone, Skype or Zoom video conference.


