What is Meditation?
Will Schneider ★
Teaching men how to change their inner world through breathing and meditation | Co Host of Men Talking Mindfulness Podcast- Let’s get connected text: MTM to 33777
Welcome to another Shift-to-Flow Mindfulness Moment.
Today let’s talk about “What is Meditation?” I'm sure you have heard this word before: meditation. For me it's been exciting to see meditation become a topic of our collective conversation for the last few years. There is a reason we are talking about it, seeing it advertised, and highlighted on magazine covers. Why? Because when practiced it has a big impact on our lives.
Let’s take a moment to unpack and demystify what all this “meditation stuff” is. In a series of videos and posts, I will explain WHAT meditation is, HOW it works, the BENEFITS of this practice, and some of its GROWING PAINS.
First, let’s start with what meditation is not.
Meditation is not emptying your mind and ceasing all thought. (That is never going to happen.) It is also not about being “blissful” and “Zen”, or above everybody else because you're finding peace. Let’s just get that out of our heads right now. Finally, meditation is not about achieving anything.
Meditation is a practice of focused awareness. What is the focus? It's an intention anchored within the practice. There is a variety of meditation practices and methods. I suggest working with one that speaks and vibes with you. I will dive into these deeper in another video. For now, what’s important is developing the habit of showing up and ‘sitting’. I promise the more you show up to practice (daily is best!), the more focused, aware, and happy you will become.
Meditation will help you to observe your thinking, understand your feelings, and get in touch with your breath as well as your body. And that’s just the beginning! Meditation will not only help develop your consciousness but also your Emotional Intelligence. Part of this awakening to more awareness includes patterns of thinking and what triggers them.
All that said, this practice, at its most basic level, is going to bring us into The Moment. Into The Now. Yep, right now. And when you think about it, it’s really the only time it ever is. The past is in the past and the future has yet to come. Who are you in The Moment? Are you even aware of how you are showing up in The Moment?
Want to know more about The Moment? Don’t worry! We'll cover it in depth in another video.
By being more present to The Moment we tap into a Universal Intelligence also known as Pure Consciousness. We are nothing but energy, and this energy is connected to a source that has been called Pure Consciousness.
Think about it - all that is keeping us alive right now is energy. By getting to know this Pure Consciousness, we have the opportunity to tap into its wisdom and use its knowledge and its power.
I hope you begin to take on a daily meditation practice. If you make this choice, you will slowly experience a difference in all aspects of your life. I ask - what will your life be like with reduced stress and anxiety, a relaxed mind and body, and al life with more joy and harmony? I hope you find out.
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