What Meditation Really Does, For Your Soul And Humanity
Katharina Kugler
Conscious Leadership & Organisational Development ? Consultant, Advisor & Coach ? Thought Leadership on Inner Work, Conscious Leadership, Meaning & Purpose
The way meditation is used in the mainstream covers only a tiny bit of the incredible benefits it can truly have on your soul and the whole of humanity. This article attempts to explain the significance of meditation beyond it simply being another health & wellness trend.
Meditation and mindfulness practices are hot topics and rank high on Google Search results right now. Many high performing athletes and successful entrepreneurs have been talking about its countless benefits for mind, body and soul. Many wonderful businesses have emerged to serve those new customer needs.
It is indeed a great tool for anyone seeking to reprieve from the intensity of the world, recenter and reset themselves and through this process, see an increase in their performance at work and/or find themselves with more clarity and peace throughout the day. There are many more benefits such as better mental health, reduced stress , better concentration, more focus and clarity, less anxiety etc… Which is generally great progress and inevitability will help humanity to become a healthier species from the inside out.
However, these benefits cover only a tiny bit of the incredible impact meditation can have on your soul and indeed the whole of humanity. People don’t talk about it, because it is hard to explain and even harder to sell what cannot be put in words. Yet here I am attempting to do it anyway. :-)?
Photo by Ahmad Odeh on Unsplash
So what is it about then, you ask?
Meditation in its purest form and ancient purpose helps to connect with Source energy and retain into a state of Oneness. You may also refer to this state as Consciousness, connecting with God, the Universe, etc. … but let’s not get hung up on the words, because in the end, we are all talking about the same thing.?
This “hidden reality” in our awareness can be accessed through stillness.
It is the reality where we find our true self, our soul's essence, our life’s purpose.?
It is the state of Unity.
It is the state of Peace.
It is the state of pure Consciousness.?
The place where we came from and where we will return to when our physical bodies die. It is our Home.
So when we begin to meditate with a certain intention and enter into the unified field of consciousness, what happens is that we can become aware of ourselves as three-dimensional beings (mind, body, spirit) that is a part of the entire Universe.?
Because the whole Universe is consciousness, you, too, are consciousness .??
As a matter of fact, you are the Universe (you may need to read that twice to fully grasp what I am saying here).
Now – when we merge our consciousness with the unified field, we start to experience our true essence and move beyond any mind-made separation (you vs. me, pleasure vs. pain, good vs. bad). This is a good thing because nothing positive ever came from the illusion that we are separate from each other!
Experiencing expanded states of consciousness
Through meditation we can experience:
Photo by Noorulabdeen Ahmad on Unsplash
The next step in our evolution has to do with increasing our consciousness, individually and collectively
The points that I mentioned above are more or less “entry point” realisations, from which new dimensions, new worlds, new paradigms can open up – but, I will leave all that for another time…
Those who know how to sell sexy “health & wellness” trends may have an easier game getting meditation to the masses than those that talk about Source energy and realising the Oneness in all to raise the planetary frequency (and create healthier humans to begin with).
However, if we truly want to improve Life on planet Earth, let’s also start to create awareness around the immense power that meditation holds in its purest form.?
Before you go –
If you are an entrepreneur, leader, creator, … and want to upgrade your consciousness for the above-named reasons, you can learn more about our programmes & community at https://www.humanplus.me/programmes or you can work with me directly (send me a message on Linkedin ).
Neo-Generalist Factotum ?? Cross-pollinator ?? Organically naturalising evolutive-regenerative ways to Live, Work & do Business ???? Activating Enterprises, Teams & Humans to BE, DO and FEEL better ??????????♂??????
3 年Very well written and such a wonderful description of what we may expect when we are brave enough to stop and look deeply within. :) There are some answers that can be found only within but when you go beyond the doing (meditation) and become meditative by nature, what you realise is that you don't need to look for answers anymore, instead, all the questions dissolve as well as the questioner. There are also two great quotes that could accompany perfectly the phrase "As a matter of fact, you are the Universe": "Some part of our being knows this is where we came from. We long to return. And we can. Because the cosmos is also within us. We're made of star-stuff. We are a way for the cosmos to know itself." ― Carl Sagan “Through our eyes, the universe is perceiving itself. Through our ears, the universe is listening to its harmonies. We are the witnesses through which the universe becomes conscious of its glory, of its magnificence.” ― Alan Wilson Watts
Mehr Sinn im Leben und ein profitables Impact-Business führen | Mentor und Keynote Speaker für Impact-Mission | pro Planet Erde ?? | Wir machen Unm?gliches m?glich und setzen es mit dir gemeinsam um.
3 年Thank you Katharina for sharing and showing-up on this very important topic and perspective. I couldn‘t agree more.