What are medical products?
FarStar OGiS medical d.o.o.
We are a company that has 15 years of experience in production of high quality surgical caps and masks.
Medical products are all products whose purpose is to aid the quality and efficiency of healthcare. From hospital supplies to smallest surgical devices, bandages, etc., everything is considered a medical product. All these products can be divided in many different categories. These categories are created based on the quality we are sorting them by. The main category of division is Reusable and Disposable medical products (single use).
Reusable medical products are the ones we can use multiple times and disposable medical products are the ones that we use once. They are products intended for use on one patient during a single procedure. Disposables are not intended for reprocessing (cleaning, disinfection/sterilization) and using on another patient. These products are disposed or they can be recycled. It depends on the type of product and waste management system of the company disposing it.
The healthcare industry gives an edge to disposable medical products. The reasons are infection prevention, cross contamination, sanitation, sterilization and high quality healthcare. The advantage of reusable medical products is that we buy them once and use them as much as we need. Great advantage, but still it carries certain burdens with it. We need to maintain it, sanitize and sterilize the product after each use. This process is as time consuming and costly as it is energy wasting and inefficient. It is common knowledge that all sanitation and sterilization products can kill up to 98% of bacteria. This leaves a chance of cross contamination and spreading of infection and disease. Healthcare industry gives an edge to disposable medical products because they lower the risk of before mentioned.