What is the mechanism of Karma?

What is the mechanism of Karma?

If karma is a safeguard mechanism, whatever you inflict to others, you are inflicting upon yourself, because all are One. When you cause an effect of negative imbalance and separation - to put it in general terms - you cause the breaking of your own spiritual self into shards, degrading your consciousness. These shards are aspects, parts, of yourself but that are now "broken", separated, and in need of healing.

Karma is the effect of you carrying within yourself, at all times, that which causes the pain and separation within the self. The separates shards, still and ever always a part of you, will keep attracting to you situations that make you feel their respective emotion of separation. This is meant to have you face and deal with said emotions, offering you the opportunity to heal them, and re-integrate those parts of yourself back. The only way to heal karma is by feeling it, always.

However, in matter, you do remain oblivious to having such thing as "karma", spiritual accountability, the fact that every event has has personal meaning to you, and so forth - unless you realize it yourself. So in theory, you could inadvertently, but endlessly, keep breaking yourself apart through never-ending negative action, which would cause further pain and separation, which would cause further negative action... having you devolve and spiral into your own spiritual oblivion, indefinitely.

The mechanism of karma ensures that karmic energy accumulates within you, until you can't hold it any longer, without something caving in at some point, and having you repent, regret, and attempt to face and resolve it. The mechanism of karma does not predetermine when, but it ensures you will pay attention to it eventually, and when you do, you vow to get back on track. In this way, it guarantees that you will necessarily leave the incarnation cycles with your lessons learned, and being better (or more conscious) than you were before. It's a safeguard that you don't irrevocably lose your own self by your own actions while exploring matter.

All the religions at some point of time gave this teaching ( of course with different name ) , but unfortunately it was suppressed by the powerful corrupt rulers in most places ,that's why in West and Middle East the concept of rebirth is not so popular in their religious believes. We Indians in our ignorance had almost destroyed this too but thanks to Buddha, Jain, Vivekanand , Confucius and other enlightened ones, the knowledge was preserved in India, China and Tibet. Problem is that we are still not realizing importance of the precious treasure we are left with , instead "what's the fashion actors and actresses are having" is the hot topic now a days.

I searched many articles and videos, but most of them were mere theoretical explanation without any satisfying answer. A few were good but they were either long videos with poor audio-video quality or were providing incomplete knowledge ( which is even more dangerous ) and not uploading new videos. After watching so many videos finally i found this one with "to the point" with spiritual-scientific explanation.

It is said that fate, destiny, free-will, past-life and karma, when you connect the dots with above working of karma, you will get to know what fate,destiny and free-will are and how they work. On a broader sense , karma can be classified into two types 1) Nikachit karma 2) all the other besides Nikachit ( but Prarabdha karma more specifically). e.g. fate is Nikachit karma ~> which can't be changed, not because some invisible man in sky wanted so, but because you (soul, covered by darkness of ego) (due to ignorance/sinful actions) had accumulated so much negative /bad impression /samsara /sanskar /habits /manners (you name it ),

That their is no hope for change and you must be punished (by god/all-mighty/divine/The one/infinite consciousness /universe (formless, nameless, omnipresent, eternal, all-knowing )/awakened part of your soul) not to make you feel sad but to make you realize your mistake so that you ( soul , more awakened after realizing and admitting your mistake ) can continue the spiritual progress ( decreasing ego /ignorance /ahamkara) of merging with The one (enlightenment /salvation /moksha /mukti)( which is the ultimate goal of life/s) .

By the way it is not unwise to believe that the one's who are "sweating it out" and "suffering" were the "corrupt rich selfish people enjoying their life on a silver platter" in their previous lives , but , this doesn't mean we let them suffer , because this will create a -ve impression (of superiority/selfishness/hatred) in our subconscious mind ultimately harming us. Further more, those people don't remember their sins of their past lives ( that's how evil/darkness/maya/satan works ), so according to them they are punished for nothing, this lack of knowledge motivates/forces them to do crimes , which further creates more -ve impression and cycle goes on unless one fortunate day they realize their mistake.

Destiny is Prarabdha karma ~> as you expect, it can be changed . To understand how, let me explain with a simple example :: Lets assume , while walking , unknowingly you stepped on a insect. Now when you realize, that you killed your little buddy , only 2 types of thoughts can come in your mind. First type of thought can be of ego i.e "i am superior , and it's the fault of insect that it came in my way" and you ignore the incident and move on .

The moment you had that thought a -ve impression( bad luck/bad destiny) is created(wrote) in your subconscious mind(book) by your awakened soul ( in philosophical terms:: god/your awakened soul , wrote your destiny in a book.). If you further keep neglecting your mistakes that -ve impression will grow stronger and take form of fate (Nikachit karma). But on the other hand if you apologize to your-"self" (god / Jesus/Shri Krishna/ Allah/ Thoth/ Zeus/ Buddha.....doesn't matter which name because.. all become only one and same after enlightenment) and promise to be more aware next time.

Then at that very moment the -ve impression ( previously stored) in mind diminishes ( you changed your destiny by your free will). If you don't have any -ve impression of superiority stored in your mind, then don't worry ,the situation of stepping on insect will never come. Then if some one else steps on insect and you feel sorry for it then +ve impression (good luck) is stored in your mind because their is no -ve impression left which is to be diminished. So, you see , even if you pretend to help some one but in your mind you are jealous of him then ultimately -ve impression is created because it all depends on your intention and motive of doing things/karma (by actions,words or thoughts ) . The one doing justice is looking through your eyes and reading every single thought of your's.

This very act of changing your future by changing your destiny using your wiser choice between right-wrong and good-bad ( because good is not always right and bad is not always wrong. Good-bad varies from person to person but right-wrong remains unshakable. For a terrorist good is to kill people and of-course bad is to be killed by army, but for us, good is to kill the situations which creates terrorist and bad is to see our loved ones killed by them. But to kill innocent is wrong ,no matter terrorist do it or army do it and help the deserving [not needy. Beggar needs money because he is poor but if he wastes that money in liquor then he doesn't deserves the help in first place ] is right no matter which religion it belongs ) is your free-will.

Finally, answering the main question those corrupt selfish people who are enjoying even after doing bad deeds because they acquired +ve impression in past lives, so their bad actions are like adding spoonful of salt (-ve) in pond(+ve). Water in pond is still salt-less (+ve) , but if some other person with less +ve does that, then it would be like adding salt to a glass of water which will make it salty (-ve). And why these people become corrupt? it is not like they were saints in previous life and became criminals in this life, it took 100's of lifetimes for their downfall. Since, like all of us they don't remember their past but gained comforts (due to +ve) which led their downfall, which they will suffer in next life. Cheers!

Ruuchi Rathorr

?? ?? Innovative Payments Leader | ?? TEDx Speaker | Women Empowerment Activist | Exploring Spirituality | Finding Purpose in Life| Empowering People ??

2 年

A powerful message Kishore Shintre



