What it means to truly be free
Sjaak Vink
EVERYONE.ORG - Future pharmacy. Health futurist. World’s first Medicine access accelerator. Disrupting medicine distribution globally. Contributing to a healthier world for all.
Every year on May 5th, The Netherlands celebrates the end of the occupation by Nazis during World War II. It is known as “Liberation Day” (Bevrijdingsdag) and it is when we celebrate our country’s freedom and remember the lives lost fighting for this freedom. Many countries celebrate their own day of Liberation around the world.
The notion of Freedom is not rigid and it continues to change and evolve with the times. Nowadays, we understand that an individual is truly free when they are empowered to make the best choices that work for them. This encompasses education, living conditions, sexual orientation, gender equality, gender expression, politics, and healthcare.
I could not help but think about what freedom really means when it comes to health access. Are we truly free in The Netherlands when it comes to our health and care? How does that freedom translate to the home countries of TheSocialMedwork’s team members and to other parts of the world?
What does it say about us as a society when an individual patient is unable to access a potentially life-saving medicine they need for arbitrary reasons beyond their control such as ludicrous pricing or regulatory hurdles?
Global medicine access systems are fragmented and contain significant barriers that can delay and restrict access to the best medicines for years. Patients with oncological and neurological illnesses find themselves in these dire situations all too often.
At TheSocialMedwork, our mission is to enable patients with their physicians to overcome these barriers to be able to make the best health decision that works for their situation, wherever they live and whoever they are.
We are passionate about equal access to medicines for all. We recognize that additional barriers remain for many, including access to information, and the ability to afford medicines. We are committed to ultimately ensure access is truly fair.
Liberty and freedom of access, that’s what we are all about at TheSocialMedwork. That’s why we exist. That’s what we do.
Those who have the privilege to know, have the duty to act. Will you join us and choose to make freedom of access a reality for everyone?
Thanks for reading.