What It Means To Be Cultured Vol.1 ? 2019 ISBN 978-976-96313-9-7
Dr. William Anderson Gittens D.D.
CEO & Managing Director, Author -Devgro Media Arts Services Publishing?2015
What It Means To Be Cultured Vol.1 ? 2019 ISBN 978-976-96313-9-7
Ostensibly, There is this notion that although the word "cultured" has elitist connotations, at it's heart is an interest in becoming more aware of the world, having diverse interests, stepping outside someone's comfort zone, to learn more about the world including people, places, cultural products such as art, music, literature, etc. It simply means developing interests in other aspects of life which maybe you've never explored before. The author of this expression has categorically stated that “I think it's difficult to tell someone how to be cultured because what is interesting to one is not necessarily interesting to someone else. For me, being cultured may mean, having the chance to develop an interest in the arts, such as theatre including broadway plays and musicals, attend art galleries to see different styles or types of artwork, going to a musical concert such as a jazz concert, attending lectures on literature and pop culture, learn more about world architecture, or learning new languages such as French, Italian, or Chinese, etc. So, yeah, take your pic. Being cultured is engaging in aspects of your own culture or other cultures you haven't had the chance to learn or develop;” and therefore the author of this ideology believes that “I think the word "bohemian" is a better way to describe this rather than “cultured"Further, as a consequence of Flora Drury research she unearthed the fact?that Owning a library card, watching sub-titled films and being skilled in the use of chopsticks are among the traits which make us cultured, according to a new survey.Drinking 'proper' coffee, knowing the difference between cuts of meat and watching the Antiques Roadshow also set you apart from your less refined friends.However, it seems you probably don't have many of those: seven in 10 consider themselves to be 'cultured', although the majority admit to not knowing exactly what the term means.?The Oxford English Dictionary defines 'cultured' as 'improved by education and training; possessed of or characterized by culture, especially with reference to the arts and intellectual pursuits; refined, cultivated’.But a study of 2,000 people found they considered someone cultured if they simply chose city breaks over beach holidays, read a book in bed and collected music on vinyl.What's more, three in four believe you can be cultured despite having never left the country.The study also found that Brits are at their most cultured at age 38, according to the poll, and feel the most need to project a cultured persona at dinner parties, high-end restaurants and job interviews.Going to the theatre was named the top sign of being cultured - along with listening to classical music, having an interest in politics and the ability to recognise art.Simply having a library card means you're cultured said one in ten, while almost a fifth said a classy Brit would read the book first before watching a film adaptation.?In light of the cultural check-list, seven in ten confessed they wish they were more cultured - with 31 per cent even admitting they sometimes 'fake it' to impress others.Brits named science centres, historic houses and castles among the sites they'd be open to visiting - but 54 per cent admitted the cost holds them back.A spokesman for Yakult, which commissioned the study for its 80th anniversary, said: 'It seems that perceptions of 'culture' can vary, but the one thing that almost everyone has in common is a desire to experience more of it, and to become more ‘cultured'.'As part of the anniversary celebrations, Yakult have introduced a new 'culture pass', which gives two-for-one entry to more than?50 scientific, educational and historic venues.A Yakult spokesperson said, 'Trying out a new activity can be a fun way to shake up our everyday routine and learn something new.?'The Culture Pass days out will encourage learning and expand horizons, which is something Yakult has been passionate about for the past 80 years.'cul·tured (k?l′ch?rd) adj. Educated, polished, and refined; cultivated. Produced under artificial and controlled conditions: cultured pearls. cultured (?k?lt??d) adj showing or having good taste, manners, upbringing, and education?(Biology) artificially grown or synthesized: cultured pearls. 3. sport of superior quality, as though …
?Chapter 1?Overview
Although ISBN 978-976-96313-9-7 has framed the argument The Antithesis?of Culture however in this context this theoretical abstract?is antithesis to Every Culture has a foreword?
Chapter 2 Culture Defined
Clifford Geertz (1926-present) is best known for his ethnographic studies of Javanese culture (Java is an Indonesian island south of Borneo) and for his writings about the interpretation of culture
Chapter 3 Cultured?A Nuance
The abstract cultured is so nuance that Lebawit Lily Girma has applied the same as a metaphoric tool to invite global citizens to get cultured in Bridgetown:?
Chapter 3
What is another word for cultured?Need synonyms for cultured? Here's a list of words from our thesaurus that you can use instead
Chapter 4
Translations for cultured
Chapter 5 Cultured?A Nuance
The abstract cultured is so nuance that Lebawit Lily Girma has applied the same as a metaphoric tool to invite global citizens to get cultured in Bridgetown:?
Chapter 6
Cultured as a theoretical abstract does not only apply to global citizens because there are Different Types of Cultured Pearls in this environment cultured global citizens and cultured pearls are not antithesis because just as there are Different Types of Cultured Pearls likewise there different types cultured global citizens.
Chapter 7
So What?Exactly Makes You Cultured? The List?In Full?
1. Go to the theatre
2. Can recognise paintings/art
3. Visit local heritage sites
4. Listen to classical music
5. Go to the ballet
6. Know what wine goes with what
7. Don’t skip the news when it’s on TV
8. Watch documentaries
9. Can read music
10. Take an avid interest in politics
11. Read daily newspapers
12. Take countryside walks
13. Read a book before bed
14. Choose city breaks over beach holidays
15. Watch Question Time
16. Host dinner parties
17. Know about cheese
18. Enjoy crosswords or Sudoku
Chapter 8 Go to the theatre
Participating in cultural activities -- whether actively involved, or passively enjoying them -- is associated with good health and greater well-being, a study by researchers at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology shows.?
Chapter 9 Put on an accent to pronounce foreign words?
Adam Szczegielniak under the caption Introduction to Linguistic Theory has stated emphatically that Sound Segments Knowing a language includes knowing the sounds of that language
Chapter 10 Correlation Between Cultured and High culture
What It Means To Be Cultured Vol.1 What It Means To Be Cultured Vol.1 There is a correlation between cultured and high culture.Let us drilled down or pulled back the lens For instance High culture encompasses the cultural objects of aesthetic value, which a society collectively esteem as exemplary art.
Chapter 11 How to Become More Intelligent Than You Are Now How to Become More Intelligent Than You Are Now Author Info?
Chapter 12 Personal Reflections?
Classical music can be helpful for embedding new knowledge and helping you to study.Eat breakfast when you're young.
Chapter 13 Conclusion Reflections?
I would like to bring this intellectual conversation to a close by underscoring the point that 4 Ways To Become More Cultured ISBN 978-976-96313-9-7 What It Means To Be Cultured Volume1 is an intellectual conversation framed and validated in approximately328pages, 945paragraphs, 15,579words and 14chapters.
William Anderson Gittens
Author, Cinematographer Dip.Com., Arts. B.A. Media Arts Specialists’ License Cultural?Practitioner, Publisher,?Doctoral Student of Divinity,CEO,Editor in Chief of Devgro Media Arts Services Publishing?2015 ISBN 978-976-96313-9-7
Works Cited
A study of 2,000 people found seven in 10 believed themselves 'cultured'
Almost a third admitted to 'faking' cultural credentials to impress friends
Gaye Tuchman, Nina E. Fortin (1989). "ch. 4 The High-Culture Novel". Edging Women Out: Victorian Novelists, Publishers and Social Change. ISBN 978-0-415-03767-9
Other defining characteristics included watching Antiques Roadshow
Williams, Raymond. Keywords: A Vocabulary of Cul-ture and Society (1983) Rev. Ed. p. 92.
"Jacques Maritain Center: Art and Scholasticism 4". maritain.nd.edu.
?"Music" in Encyclopedia Americana, reprint 1993, p. 647
?Art film definition – Dictionary – MSN Encarta. Ar-chived from the original on 2009-10-31.
?Aulus Gellius. Attic Nights 13:17 https://penelope.uchicago.edu/Thayer/e/roman/texts/gellius/13*.html
?Barbara Wilinsky. Sure Seaters: The Emergence of Art House Cinema at Google Books. University of Minnesota, 2001 (Commerce and Mass Culture Series). See also review in 32&pgPA171&dqcanon+of+films+and+those+for-mal+qualities+that+mark+them+as+different+from+mainstream+Hollywood+films%22 High culture, p. 171, at Google Books, Journal of Popular Film & Televi-sion, 2004. Retrieved 2012-01-09.
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?Culture and Anarchy at Project Gutenberg
?Dormer, Peter (ed.), The Culture of Craft, 1997, Manchester University Press, ISBN 0719046181, 9780719046186, google books
?Gaye Tuchman, Nina E. Fortin (1989). "ch. 4 The High-Culture Novel". Edging Women Out: Victorian Novelists, Publishers and Social Change. ISBN 978-0-415-03767-9
?Jump up to:
?Keith, Barry. Film Genres: From Iconography to Ideology. Wallflower Press: 2007. (page 1)
?McGregor, Craig (1997). Class in Australia (1 ed.). Ringwood, Victoria: Penguin Books Australia Ltd. p. 301. ISBN 978-0-14-008227-2. “élite culture is of-ten an instrument of social control. . . .”
?Philip Tagg, "Analysing Popular Music: Theory, Method and Practice", Popular Music 2 (1982): 37–67, here 41–42.
?Philip Tagg, "Analysing Popular Music: Theory, Method and Practice", Popular Music 2 (1982): 41.
?Seneca. "Moral letters to Lucilius" – via Wikisource.
?Steven Johnson (6 April 2006). Everything Bad is Good for You: How Popular Culture is Making Us Smarter. Penguin Books Limited. p. 203. ISBN 978-0-14-193312-2.
?The Encyclopedia of Philosophy (1967) Volume 1. p. 167.
?a b "Music" in Encyclopedia Americana, reprint 1993, p. 647
a b Denis Arnold, "Art Music, Art Song", in The New Oxford Companion to Music, Volume 1: A-J, (Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 1983): 111. ISBN 0-19-311316-3
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3240407/Owning-library-card-watching-subtitled-films-skilled-use-chopsticks-traits-make-cultured.htmlFLORA DRURY FOR MAILONLINE