What Is the Meaning of Tefillin?
The physical act of putting on Tefillin is only a symbol of spiritual communication with the upper force of love and bestowal. The Tefillin symbolize the correction that we undergo in our desires and thoughts in order to enter into equivalence of form with the upper force.
Putting on Tefillin in the morning expresses a desire to receive the force to correct ourselves throughout the day. It is important to note that the physical action of putting on Tefillin makes no corrections in and of itself. The correction depends on how we work with our intentions and actions.
According to the wisdom of Kabbalah, our matter is a desire to receive that divides into 613 desires, which we need to correct. “Correcting a desire” means changing the intention upon the desire from self-benefit to benefiting others.
The contents of the Tefillin are four Parshiot (sections) that correspond to the name of the upper force (HaVaYaH [?-?-?-?]), through which we ask the upper force to help us love others.
Putting on Tefillin in the morning expresses a desire to receive the force to correct ourselves throughout the day. It is important to note that the physical action of putting on Tefillin makes no corrections in and of itself. The correction depends on how we work with our intentions and actions. This is also the case with all of the Mitzvot (commandments); in a physical sense, they serve only as reminders of the need to carry out inner acts of correction.
About the corrections that the Tefillin symbolize, it is written, “And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thy hand” (Deuteronomy 6:8), i.e., the left hand symbolizes the ego that needs undergo correction. Also, “And they shall be for frontlets between thine eyes” (Deuteronomy 6:8) means that when we correct our desires and thoughts, we attain equivalence of form with the upper force.
In short, the Tefillin symbolize the correction of our desires and thoughts through which we come to the revelation of the Creator, the upper force of love and bestowal that dwells in reality.